air cooled beetle + rat bike

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Aug 2, 2010
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fantastic stance on this air cooled with a matching bike to boot
g-ratter said:
That is an interesting orange. Kind of a satin tangerine. Has any one ever used it on their bike?

what you probably noticing is the shade on the yellow/orange paint.. yellow can only get so dark before it starts becoming orange. Tangerine is a little too much on the orange side than i think

Killer car, great lineup, awesome bike! And a great picture- sunset and VWs. Love the whole deal.

I'm a dyed in the wool hardcore VW nut... I was drawing my "Favorite car" when I was 3 or 4 years old. Now I just own a bus and a house full of parts, toys, posters, ads, etc etc...

And some bikes. Mmm make that about 60 bikes. I think.

Something about the kind of guys who are into VW's... they're almost all bike collectors too in one way or another.

Put it like this: of people in my town with air-cooled cars, 4 out of 5 of them have '60s Schwinns. And I've bought or sold bikes from each of them at one time or another.

Keep em rolling!


vwnthusiast said:

fantastic stance on this air cooled with a matching bike to boot
vwnthusiast said:

That is awesome vwenthusiast!

For decades it seemed imposible to have a unique full-fendered VW. With this color I think you've succeeded. Very nice!
The plates say your coming from Holland. Also on the second pic, the building and the whole atmosphere is very Dutch...
Were are you from?
herr_rudolf said:
vwnthusiast said:

That is awesome vwenthusiast!

For decades it seemed imposible to have a unique full-fendered VW. With this color I think you've succeeded. Very nice!
The plates say your coming from Holland. Also on the second pic, the building and the whole atmosphere is very Dutch...
Were are you from?

i actually live in Virginia... i found this photo from a friend of mine.
vwnthusiast said:

fantastic stance on this air cooled with a matching bike to boot

that thing is wicked cool! but the angle on the rear tires ????????
It would seem somebody cheaped out on the rear suspension. :wink:
that things gonna chew tires for breakfast lunch and dinner. :)
icyuod2 said:
vwnthusiast said:

fantastic stance on this air cooled with a matching bike to boot

that thing is wicked cool! but the angle on the rear tires ????????
It would seem somebody cheaped out on the rear suspension. :wink:
that things gonna chew tires for breakfast lunch and dinner. :)

Its sitting on AIR RIDE the wheels will straighten up when you raise the air pressure in the rear. Its only sitting that low for looks not for driving.
tulsacruiser said:
Its sitting on AIR RIDE the wheels will straighten up when you raise the air pressure in the rear. Its only sitting that low for looks not for driving.

But unless we know the owner or the the car in person we can't be shure that this is an air-ride equipped car. There are quite a few bugs in Holland (and anywhere else I guess) riding around this low without the pumps...
Like this vintage one:


^ no air-ride....

The fronts look cool sitting this low but with those angled rearwheels... kinda silly, imho.
I'd go for a more conservative (looking) drop on a bug...

(sorry for the crappy pics. They come from a paper magazine...)


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tulsacruiser said:
icyuod2 said:
vwnthusiast said:

fantastic stance on this air cooled with a matching bike to boot

that thing is wicked cool! but the angle on the rear tires ????????
It would seem somebody cheaped out on the rear suspension. :wink:
that things gonna chew tires for breakfast lunch and dinner. :)

Its sitting on AIR RIDE the wheels will straighten up when you raise the air pressure in the rear. Its only sitting that low for looks not for driving.

I've seen this one irl many times on cruises and meetings i used to visit frequently in the past.
From what i understood once this one has no airride, being one of the reasons the builder/owner sold it.
It was too uncomfy to drive for him, In the netherlands there are a few that low, with no airride.
the camber (wonky wheels) that happens at the back is naturally occuring as you lower the car, i dont know why exactly it happens but it looks damn cool. i love VWs
FatboyLovesHills said:
the camber (wonky wheels) that happens at the back is naturally occuring as you lower the car, i dont know why exactly it happens but it looks dang cool. i love VWs

Engine is in the back, mounted directly to the rearaxle(s). If you lower the body the usual way VW's are lowered, you'll lower the engine at the same time. But not the wheels, so the wheels just have to camber...
I think it looks silly, but I do love the low stance of the body... To avoid the camber, there is an option of channeling the body. But that means a lot of work, I guess. If possible at all... Another problem that is going to occur (if you want to maintain the original beetlebody) is an engine sticking out.

I guess the roofrack on top is just a fashion statement. It looks good because we've gotten used to it. 20 years ago, clean callook bugs were all the rage. But since about 10 years or so it is considdered cool to have as much accesoiries on a VW as possible. The more original/rare the better. It could have happend to a 48 buick, but it hasn't. Yet... Although Latino's have been trying for decades. Remember their 40's Chevy lowriders, detailed to the max with antenna's, visors, vintage outboard airconditioning...

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