Alchemist Custom Bicycles is Born!

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Re: Alchemy Custom Bicycles is Born!

I really like the chosen name, so now I'm torn. I mean, is the addition of the word "Custom" enough of a difference?

I go back and forth. Part of me thinks that I'll probably never get very big at all, so it really doesn't matter. Another part of me thinks that if they and I ever happen to go to the same bike show, it could be awkward. One of the reasons I chose to move away from the name Deven Science Labs is that I imagined it a difficult name for branding. It doesn't tell a potential customer what I do.

I've got a very slight change in my mind, and I wanted to bounce it off of some folks to get some honest feedback. What about Alchemist Custom Bicycles? I like the roll of it, it still conveys the same message, but do you think it rolls well, and do you think that's enough of a difference? My wife doesn't like this one, but I do. I think that Alchemist could be a cool name.

Either way, thanks for your support, the support of the site, and thanks for any opinions that you can give.
Re: Alchemy Custom Bicycles is Born!

Perhaps a cool logo incorporating the company's initials would tell the world what youre about,sort of occ-ish. Whatever the name, this could be a cool idea, use your unique frame design in the logo.
Re: Alchemy Custom Bicycles is Born!

Yea, "Alchemist" can conjour up a lot of different images - a mad bike scientist in a bicycle lab! Has a lot of Logo Potential. Too bad your wife has veto priveledges - oops, did I say that out loud - just kidding! Go with your gut and try not to overthink it too much! Robert
Re: Alchemy Custom Bicycles is Born!

Not be all "that guy" on you but, I can share some insight on the naming issues we went through recently. Our company was est in 2000 and has been doing business since. A couple years ago another company doing similar but not the same work chose our same name. They filed a TM claim and so did we but we were able to sort it out by contacting them directly. Avoided a lot of additional expense (lawyers). We have since been issued our TM. You may not be planning an Internet empire but the other guys that already have the name might be. My suggestion would be a name change ASAP and then apply for TM since it is cheap. Consider that it's not all about your business but those other guys that have been putting a lot of effort and money behind building a brand.

I liked your page already and have been getting updates on my news feed. Good luck no matter the name!
Re: Alchemy Custom Bicycles is Born!

I've heard it usually costs about $1700 to TM a name.

Is that correct?
Re: Alchemy Custom Bicycles is Born!

What he said. ^^^

My wife's father started a company many many years ago and it has the same name as a storefront company, so over the years they have to do some paperwork to make sure they are not getting in each others way, he started the company before the internet could have helped with easy research, so do all you can now and plan ahead to keep from having issues in the future or a cease and desist notice.
Re: Alchemy Custom Bicycles is Born!

Have a forum to create a new name. there's so many combinations you haven't thought about yet. Maybe if we all throw our thoughts in there it might inspire something unique that you like. Just sit back and relax and the right one will come to you.
Re: Alchemy Custom Bicycles is Born!

one name i have always liked is HOLD FAST. Navy term, but i always think of the term as solid built, meant to last. if you want a cool area to work with also, make some bikes for heavier people. there is actually only one company in this area, think they are called super sized, not sure though of the name though. Just a thought. :D
Re: Alchemy Custom Bicycles is Born!

How's about Devenescence bike alchemy?
Re: Alchemy Custom Bicycles is Born!

blackdiamond said:
You could pull a george barris and change the letter "c" to a "k"

AlKhemy Kustom Bicycles?

Rat rodish but cool :mrgreen:

Hmm. Alchemist Bicycle Customization. Then the initials are ABC. :)
Re: Alchemy Custom Bicycles is Born!

Rat Rod said:
I've heard it usually costs about $1700 to TM a name.

Is that correct?

I'll have to check on that. It will depend on the fees the lawyer charges but when I say cheap it is relative I guess. Once you go through the patent process (US and international) then everything seems cheap!