What Build Off...?? 8)Funkme said:
What Build Off...?? 8)Funkme said:
Not given it a thought yet, but the frame shouldn't flex by the time i'm finished :?: I hope... :wink:JoKeR63 said:Hey Funky, have you given any concideration for the shifting chain tension when the frame flexes? If that's a freewheel hub in the back I'd use an old derailleur for that.
Girder or parrellogramme as the french call them... Have another 3 in storage...kingfish254 said:Beautiful work!!!
I love that fork!
She is putting a 2 stroke gas engine on it...Glen said:Very cool replica... and I am way to polite to mention anything about the back wheel being on wrong... unless you have some sort of amazing and rare magic swap over chain to go on there :wink: :lol:
Thanx kingfish just did...kingfish254 said:You should post a photo of it in the Springer gallery :arrow: viewtopic.php?f=70&t=65386&p=711884#p711884
dracothered said:She is putting a 2 stroke gas engine on it...Glen said:Very cool replica... and I am way to polite to mention anything about the back wheel being on wrong... unless you have some sort of amazing and rare magic swap over chain to go on there :wink: :lol:
Yeah but nice pick up...Like I said no wool over yr eyes BAA HAAA : :lol: Also on my mock of Angel the crank & sprocket are on the wrong side aswell... :lol:Glen said:dracothered said:She is putting a 2 stroke gas engine on it...Glen said:Very cool replica... and I am way to polite to mention anything about the back wheel being on wrong... unless you have some sort of amazing and rare magic swap over chain to go on there :wink: :lol:
Boy oh boy... my face is redder than the bike right now![]()
That's what you get for looking at the photos more than the words :roll:
Thanx Luke'LukeTheJoker said:Just a couple more skulls hey?
The best one is still in the bike frame!
Funkme, I so want to see you finish the other bike because I was intrigued by your design. But I do like your Indian clone too, dont get me wrong. Ive always wanted to do a similar skull designed frame. Maybe soon...maybe future skull bike build-off challenge.LukeTheJoker said:Just a couple more skulls hey?
The best one is still in the bike frame!