Another Heavy Duti build... Headbadge mounted

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My saddle came yesterday, a brooks b17 honey...

I put it on my fixed gear, which is on a trainer, to break it in until its time to put it on the heavy duti...
I got some skinny vinyl masking tape, and masked out some darts on my frame.

The front will be an antique white with a red pinstripe.
So first I paint the red, then when that's dry, I will mask where the stripe will be, and then paint the white...

My problem is I get impatient and mask the stripe before the first color dries...

Great job on masking the darts!
The blue is really going to pop with the antique white.
Keep up the great work.:thumbsup:
It warmed up a bit, so I was able to do a little painting...

Masked my red stripe with the vinyl tape...

Then sprayed my antique white...

I'm always impatient, and can't wait to peel everything off...

I'm pretty happy how it turned out:)

Still need to clear coat it, and may put some red darts on the fork still...

Chrome or black handlebars?

Sweet scallops !!!

I would go black since the cranks are black too.

Do you know what wheels / post your throwing on too ?
The wheels are some dh39's and they are black... I think I'm going black seatpost and probably black mx bars. I have black cranks, black stem, and red pedals... May go red grips and sprocket too...
So I had an idea for the headbadge.

I've had this old schwinn headbadge in my toolbox for years...

Painted it red...

Then used a paint pen to paint the lettering and border...

Just need to clear coat it, and attach it.


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