The Value. The Value. The Value.
I have picked up a lot of nice bikes, But I have never paid a lot for bikes. Yes they are cool and yes they are a Novelty, and fun to ride. But that's it for me. I don't worry about the value. If I ride one of my bikes around, people always say OH COOL WOW. Want to Sell it? I usually do not want to sell them. But most people just want to pick bikes up for fifty dollars. Just like all of us.
I get my Value and investment out of the fun and riding them. Not in Buying to resell. Don't get me wrong. I Do sell (notice I did not say Flip) some of the extra stuff I get on a package deal. (notice I did not say Bundle).
But I usually just get my money back on them. Its really neat to give a deal to someone who will ride the bike.
People offer me mountain bikes all the time. I just tell them I adopt them. But do not buy them. In my area Nice riders are at every yard sale for 10.00 to 40.00.
Just adding to this post as my experience on cheap bikes. Good luck if you buy it. I personally would not pay much for that bike and personally would not expect much return. But then again. I mostly recycle parts to build mine.