Any Punk Rockers on here?

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gang green one of my all time favorites
one of my prize it when they played the village in lancaster........real small club......their guy selling shirts had some leftovers from the ramones german acid eaters tour......has the dates/cities on back....
wow....forgot about gang rather drink than...... :wink:
youth brigade,scream,fear,black flag,OLD bad religion(anything until no control),snfu,reagan youth,ssd,spiderbaby(before they changed there name to hemi),furious george,rkl,mdc,x,stiff little fingers,murphys law,tsol,the clash,the germs(and on and on and on.....................................)
Punk rocker from way back then, punk rocker 'till the day I leave this hunk of rock we live on. Nothing gets you going for a good halfpipe session like loud punk.
My personal favorites have always been The Dead Kennedys, even though Jello flaked and turned into a jackbag. Also a big Circle Jerks and Black Flag fan. Lotsa great bands from back in the day and fortunately theres still quite a few good punk bands today.
Anyone ever get into Skinny Puppy/ Killing Joke?
i always thought it was the other way around with the dead kennedys?...

i never thought Jello flaked, i always felt like the other guys ripped him off... i mean they reissued all the albums under some other label, and did not credit Jello...

just found this exerpt from alternative tentacles website:

"In October 1998, former members of Dead Kennedys sue Biafra with the express intent of seizing and selling off the DK catalog, as well as ruining Alternative Tentacles. Though they claim it is a dispute over royalties, hostilities began when Biafra opposed the use of "Holiday in Cambodia" in a Levi's Dockers TV commercial. Biafra bends over backwards to settle the lawsuit, but the ex-DK's refuse. A nasty show trial ensues, with Ray, Klaus, and D.H. all claiming they wrote Biafra's songs, a mass conspiracy to hide money from them (that had actually been paid), and even damages for "lack of promotion"(!) To the visible shock of even the plaintiffs , the jury falls for their story. Obviously the verdict will be appealed. the ex-DK¹s continue to refuse to settle their lawsuit or compromise in any way. Doctored versions of all old CD ¹s except "Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables" are released on their Decay music label. Biafra does not endorse these re-releases and suggests anyone thinking of buying them to stop and consider where the money is going first. Their live CD is also embarrassingly weak to these ears and is not recommended."
October- I always thought the DKs kicked Jello out of the band also, but it turns out he sort of went nutso with control issues. He owns Alternative Tentacles and apparently he was withholding a bunch of money from the rest of the band. There's his version of events on the Alternative Tentacles website, and there's the rest of the bands version on the site. The DK's won the legal battles and have the meat of the court transcripts online for the world to read. I hate to see it turn out like that 'cause Jello is one of my musical heroes, but it seems like he really did go boinkers. I spent several hours reading all of the stuff on there, and it seems to me like the DKs are just as hurt and baffled by him as they are pissed at him. I'm glad I got to see them play at their best...amazing band in person.
i dunno about jello........saw them in hartford ct once and he got all upset cause he was pushed into the pit and got a tooth knocked he ran off and wouldnt come back anymore :roll: kinda lost alot of respect for him after that
you true punkers will probably mock me for this, but this was me in the 80's and me now.

Saw my first punk show - DK's and Black Flag in KCMO. Freaked me out! I loved the music but the whole mosh pit thing scared a nice church boy. Fast-forward a few years...Christian punk starts showing up. Altar Boys, Pat Nobody, Undercover, One Bad Pig, a few others I don't remember. I was into being a rebel...for Jesus! You know, Godarchy, not anarchy, that kinda thing. I had stupid hair, earrings, ripped up pants, army boots, concert t-shirts. I even hung out with genuine punks who actually liked me and put up with me. My rebellion was against the American Evangelical Christian status quo and I loved scaring the little gray-haired ladies in church. We were far from scary by real world standards but we sure were radical by midwestern church standards. I have to admit though...When graduation rolled around, all my "genuine" punk friends got normal haircuts, started dressing more normal, and ended up getting normal jobs. I, on the other hand, still had weird hair, weird clothes, and did youth ministry to fringe kids, so sometimes I wonder who the more authentic "punk" was.

If punk means a lifestyle of "sticking it to the man" and being your own person, I guess I'm still a punk. Still on the fringes of normality, still trying to stick it to the man, whether "the man" is an Amerikkan lifestyle of materialism and consumerism, or "the man" is traditional Amerikkan consumer Christianity. I still work with fringe kids in youth ministry and hang out at a homeless street punk drop in center and still go see punk and hardcore bands, although I no longer mosh. I'm too old and too fat. Nobody wants to catch a middle-aged, short, chubby dude when they try to stage dive.

Punk is as punk does.

bmxerpete said:
October- I always thought the DKs kicked Jello out of the band also, but it turns out he sort of went nutso with control issues. He owns Alternative Tentacles and apparently he was withholding a bunch of money from the rest of the band. There's his version of events on the Alternative Tentacles website, and there's the rest of the bands version on the site. The DK's won the legal battles and have the meat of the court transcripts online for the world to read. I hate to see it turn out like that 'cause Jello is one of my musical heroes, but it seems like he really did go boinkers. I spent several hours reading all of the stuff on there, and it seems to me like the DKs are just as hurt and baffled by him as they are pissed at him. I'm glad I got to see them play at their best...amazing band in person.

very fine line between genius and insanity.........

ratdaddy said:
I have a question though...

Can you be a punk and drive a minivan?

Just curious


only if you stole it.... :mrgreen:
ratdaddy said:
you true punkers will probably mock me for this, but this was me in the 80's and me now.

Christian punk starts showing up. Altar Boys, Pat Nobody, Undercover, One Bad Pig, a few others I don't remember.


You forgot The Crucified, Lifesavors Underground (and all the Mike Knott offshoots), Lust Control, Crashdog, The Lead, Fluffy, Tribe of Dan, The Clergy, Street Angel and the mighty Scaterd Few. Not to mention all the post-punk, industrial and alternative bands of the era. The scene was vibrant, talented and sadly largely ignored by the mainstream punks. With the exception of Scaterd Few who toured with Bad Brains once those amazing bands rose and fell, and unlike Lazarus did not rise again. For those that fondly remember the era (or may just be curious that such a scene existed) may I suggest the following blog:

I've always been more of a post-punk fan (Killing Joke, Hunters & Collectors, Gang of Four, Danielle Dax etc.) but do still enjoy DK, Ramones, UK Subs, Clash, 999, Meatmen, Suicidal Tendencies and several more.
wow! thanks for the flashback. You are right about most of those bands. I still have cassettes of all of them with the exception of Tribe of Dan and Street Angel. Post-punk and more funk, I STILL listen to Adam Again. Gene's writing and funky, yet sorrowful voice still gets to me. With the exception of the dated drum machine sounds, his music is still fresh to me today.


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