gang green one of my all time favorites
bmxerpete said:October- I always thought the DKs kicked Jello out of the band also, but it turns out he sort of went nutso with control issues. He owns Alternative Tentacles and apparently he was withholding a bunch of money from the rest of the band. There's his version of events on the Alternative Tentacles website, and there's the rest of the bands version on the Deadkennedys.com site. The DK's won the legal battles and have the meat of the court transcripts online for the world to read. I hate to see it turn out like that 'cause Jello is one of my musical heroes, but it seems like he really did go boinkers. I spent several hours reading all of the stuff on there, and it seems to me like the DKs are just as hurt and baffled by him as they are pissed at him. I'm glad I got to see them play at their best...amazing band in person.
ratdaddy said:I have a question though...
Can you be a punk and drive a minivan?
Just curious
ratdaddy said:you true punkers will probably mock me for this, but this was me in the 80's and me now.
Christian punk starts showing up. Altar Boys, Pat Nobody, Undercover, One Bad Pig, a few others I don't remember.