any regular 2sp kickback users?

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tnt1 said:
I have a yellow band two speed on my everyday rider and I love it. Tony

I agree with the "like it" croud. After a short time you will be kickin it without even thinking about it. IMHO even better is the earlier manual version. It stays in the same gear until you use the shifter lever.
I like to put 2 speed kickbacks on my stingrays that have the large sprocket, not the lucky seven. I have only ever used the sachs duomatic torpedo hubs and not the bendix 3 bands... I have a bendix 3 band that is off of a rim, that thing must weigh 15 pounds! the Sachs duomatic torpedo is a lot lighter than the bendix and really rides nice. I understand that there are different models of he sachs duomatic torpedo, basically different gearing inside. They aren't easy to find, but you will see them on some folding bikes. Sturmey archer just put out a brand new 2 speed kickback hub in black and chrome They look great, and are all new, but I haven't tried them yet.

You get used to the gear shifting when you back pedal. I am not in the easy gear too often, but it is nice for climbing up something steepish.
I have sturmey 2 speed kick backs on two of my customs. I like them, ride them often. Does take a bit of getting use to. Every time you stop it changes into a different gear. Just have to get use to kickin it back as you take off. Other than that I'm happy with them. I really like the high gear on flat runs, I can get some good speed up!
I was riding my Airman yesterday , with a Bendix kickback . I love it , and maybe I'm just lucky , but mine is nice and quiet :mrgreen:
I've never used a kick and I'm a bit curious on how it works. Let's say I start pedaling on low gear the kick back to high gear. What happens when I apply the brakes? Does it stop and at the same time goes into low gear? What if I want to go into low gear while I'm riding on high gear. Do I just kick back and it goes back to low gear?
axsepul said:
I've never used a kick and I'm a bit curious on how it works. Let's say I start pedaling on low gear the kick back to high gear. What happens when I apply the brakes? Does it stop and at the same time goes into low gear? What if I want to go into low gear while I'm riding on high gear. Do I just kick back and it goes back to low gear?
The 2 gears are where you are making the cog spin faster than the spokes are going around, and the other is when it is moving at the same speed as the spokes. You simply kickback and it will shift to the other gear, it doesn't matter what gear you are in. It has been a while since I've ridden mine and I haven't ridden it since I rebuilt it, but I don't think it shifted when you apply the coaster brake.
EVERY TIME the crank moves backwards the gears change.
Be it 1 to 2 or 2 to 1, know matter at what SPEED, the gears will change.
Kickback a LITTLE and you change the gears, kickback to LAY DOWN A SKID MARK and you change gears.
Setting at a stop getting ready to take of is the most difficult part of the ride ,but after a while you can notice the difference in the position of the crank while you are at a stop and can figure out which is hi or low gear, at worst you KICKBACK and go. Its best to keep in mind what gear your in, but it becomes second nature.
Ive have only the old Bendix Automatic (yellow,red and blue bands), experience, they are fun.
Thanks for the info. I'll stick with the new departure triplspeed. I have 2 and both have worked flawless, once you have setup correctly 2nd gear of course. I did acquire yesterday a vintage SA 3 speed with coaster brake. I have never owned one of those either I don't know anything about them or how they ride.
I prefer the 3 speed coaster , 3 gears are better than 2 . Mine is set up for 2nd gear cruising , with a low for uphills & a high for speed . The kickback is cool that there are no cables , when braking in high , if I want to remain in high , I just give a quick kick first .
I think the primary appeal of the kickback coaster is the clean look. No cables, no levers of any sort on the bars, looks just like a SS to the casual observer, but you can get an overdrive high gear for the long flats and downhills. Personally, i think the best strategy is to think of what ratio you'd use for a singlespeed, and make it so the low gear is a bit under that, and the overdrve will be a bot higher. Best of both worlds.

The Bendix yellow and red band hubs have the high gear as the direct drive ratio, meaning that if you're running a 44/20, the high gear is the 44/20, and the low gear is lighter than that. The blue band, sachs, and new Sturmey's have the direct drive as the low gear, with an overdrive working with the planetary. I don't know what the ratios are with the bendix hubs, but the Sturmey and Sachs are 1:1 low, 1:1.38 high. (The Sachs torpedo is actually 1:1.37, but big deal, right?) These hubs are "better" b/c the low gear is the direct drive, so you're less prone to slipping when torquing up a hill in low gear.

Shifting while braking does occur, but so what? I think the typical complete-stop situation is likely to occur while you've been cruising in high gear. So, you stop and, in doing so, you automatically drop to your low gear, so you're ready to roll. If you have to come to a complete stop while in low gear, just give a double kick while braking, or give an extra kick just before you start rolling again. These hubs shift well while stationary, so no biggie. If you're rolling and just tap the brakes to scrub off a little speed, no big deal; you're already rolling, so just coast a second while kicking back into proper gear. Generally speaking, we're talking about 10degrees or so back to shift, and 15degrees or so back to brake. You can shift without braking, no problem.

This is all kinda moot, though, b/c SRAM has reintroduced the old Sachs automatic 2speeds. This year, they're calling it a SRAM Automatix, and they're offering it in 120mm OLD, with included spacers for running 130mm OLD. These'll shift at @11mph with 26" wheels. No need to kick back, except to brake.

Sorry to write a novel. I just like talking about these hubs, but no one outside of this forum seems to care about em.

Does anyone have any experience yet with the SRAM Automatix? I'm debating on going to a kick back and trying to decide on SRAM or SA.
Critter1 said:
Does anyone have any experience yet with the SRAM Automatix? I'm debating on going to a kick back and trying to decide on SRAM or SA.
sram's offering isn't a kickback. it's a genuinely automatic 2 speeds. based on the old Sachs 2 speed auto design. Centrifugal force shifts to the overdive planet at about 11mph, i think, for a 26" bike...

The sturmey 2 speeds are regular kickbacks.
-rob edited to add reference
I joined the club today. My Dyno now has a vintage Fichtel & Sachs Torpedo Duomatic (extremely rare in 36h). At age 47, I finally needed another gear.

My Pashley Guv'nor will get a Sturmey Archer Duomatic next, which means I can do away with one brake lever and cable. I know, this means one is still left, but it's a start.
Baron von Zach said:
I joined the club today. My Dyno now has a vintage Fichtel & Sachs Torpedo Duomatic (extremely rare in 36h). At age 47, I finally needed another gear.

My Pashley Guv'nor will get a Sturmey Archer Duomatic next, which means I can do away with one brake lever and cable. I know, this means one is still left, but it's a start.

Funy thing, i always see how "rare" the 36h torpedo duo is, but i got mine when i trash-picked an old 20" peugeot folder from my next-door neighbor. Lucky score, i guess. I think they sold a lotof those folders with the 36h duo.

Bicycle808 said:
Baron von Zach said:
I joined the club today. My Dyno now has a vintage Fichtel & Sachs Torpedo Duomatic (extremely rare in 36h). At age 47, I finally needed another gear.

My Pashley Guv'nor will get a Sturmey Archer Duomatic next, which means I can do away with one brake lever and cable. I know, this means one is still left, but it's a start.

Funy thing, i always see how "rare" the 36h torpedo duo is, but i got mine when i trash-picked an old 20" peugeot folder from my next-door neighbor. Lucky score, i guess. I think they sold a lotof those folders with the 36h duo.


I'd say you can save the money for the Lotto ticket for the time being.
It took me the better part of five years to locate what in the end turned out to be a scrap 36h. I could only use the shell and had to get me a 28h for the innards.
Duomatics were predominantly used in folders and those are predominantly 28h.
I have 3, 2 speed Bendix KB's
One Nexis 7 Speed & 1 Nexus 3 Speed .
Have Not Made a wheel of the 7 speed yet, Have kinda been boored with the Bike thing lol
Have Not ridden the 3 speed wheel since I made it 2 years ago ....I Lost The Fiber Shift Rod That goes into Hub to move everything on the shift . Could Make one if I Knew how long they were.
I love My Bendix 2 speeds. 1 is on a tandem & was fun to get use to the Double Clutch with 2 people thing lol & the other on a solo Bike.
I would Pay someone to restore the 3rd Yellow Band I have if I only knew who was good with them & wanted to do it. Seems like a waste not fixing it & putting it to good Use.

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