Anybody Here Use Photobucket??

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Feb 21, 2012
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South Carolina
Rating - 0%
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Can anyone tell me in plain step by step English how to make my PB images come out bigger? I "resized this one and all it does is keep getting smaller. How do i know what size the pic is to start with? The resize and more options screens are very non user friendly.

Se how small this is?? I want them to come out bigger when i post them.

I can't imagine what we're doing different. Her's how mine turn out.

I'll try to help you if I can. :?:
try to find out where you programe PB to size the pixs i think its in settings or prfile .. i know you have to re-size them i had theat problem once but forgot where it was i fixed it.. :oops:
Not sure if this is an option but I do everything on my iPhone. Take the picture, edit it if needed, upload to Photobucket (through app) then copy the Img source and post to the RRB forums. Done.
Check your settings on your camera. It might be set up to take low quality pictures. Once you have the picture on your computer right click on the image and then click on properties. There you can see the image size.