Anyone good at finishing wood?

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Sep 14, 2007
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Dallas Area
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Just picked up a sweet curio glass cabinet thing for my wife but it's raw...Ill get a picture later. I want to make it very nice for her to put nice girly stuff in..It's her birthday Saturday and Im giving to her. ( unfinished then we can finish it together, kind of a couples project. Enrich the marriage an all that..)
Depends on what type of wood its made of,diffrent woods have diffrent staining characteristics.
Iworked in a custom cabinet(all highend stuff) shop for about 3 years.
Wife didnt like it. Ill put a picture up and see if anyone wants it for what I got in it...Ya think after 15 years Id figure her out... Still working on that....Glad to though.. She's put up with this dork for 15+ years...