Picked this bike up from the scrap yard, it was pretty dirty but gave it a good bath, came out good took it for a spin and it works GREAT! super smooth...
I originally just wanted the shifter but ive decided to keep it as is for a road cruiser kinda hybrid build, swap some straight bars on it I got so many cruisers and choppers I figured this would be a cool "road" bike with a hot rod twist. what da ya think? got any info on this shifter? are they available? all I know is BRC's were a vancouver bc company that is no more.... the shifter is a shimano as well as all the other parts, brakes etc except the rims are araya's
Thanks Ty
I originally just wanted the shifter but ive decided to keep it as is for a road cruiser kinda hybrid build, swap some straight bars on it I got so many cruisers and choppers I figured this would be a cool "road" bike with a hot rod twist. what da ya think? got any info on this shifter? are they available? all I know is BRC's were a vancouver bc company that is no more.... the shifter is a shimano as well as all the other parts, brakes etc except the rims are araya's
Thanks Ty