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Nov 10, 2007
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Manhattan Illinois
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Anyone else suffer from it? I'm to the point now where I can't even push the pedals anymore. I'm so depressed over it, and gaining weight from lack of exercise. It's in my knees, ankles and my back. Guess it's what I get for abusing my body for a living for 12 years. (Wrestling)
They do make those bikes that are electric and just pedal assisted. Would make it
easier for you to pedal but still give you the exercise your looking for.
for my daily I have my seat set so my leg fully extends on the downstroke and have the handle bars at chest level, but riding my Bruiser kills my back and neck...broke my back in 2000 in a motocross wreck. I can do 15-20 miles on the daily but doing the Tour De Fat 7.2 miles on the Bruiser had me down for the 2 following days. I have a really bad foot and ankle with 8 pins holding it together total (another motocross wreck) and unfortunatly we just have to grunt through it and down a bunch of aspirin and wrap it with lots of ice. For my wrists I get Cortisone shots in both twice a year and its doing well but the Dr. says eventually it will stop helping.

And people wonder why I wont let a motorcycle on my property.
My knees started giving me fits this summer. Part of the problem was riding to small of bikes(cruisers). Make sure you have a bike that is properly fit. Your body is more important than being on a cool bike.
It's just frustrating. I can't ride my cruisers at all, only my commuter, and that's short trips. I have the seat as high as I can get it up. I have an appointment with a specialist on the 17th. so hopefully he can shed some light on what I can do. I'm only 40 and to be crippled by something is very depressing.

Then again I can always customize a mobility scooter!
I've got it in my spine. Rhuematologist's (sp) are hard to find in my area and a good one is even harder to find. A friend who has RA suggested having my blood uric acid tested. I did and it was high and they put me on some meds (one pill a day) it helps me a lot. Thanks!!!
Sorry to hear man, I've got a lower back problem that acts up every once in a while, I would go insane if it was constant though.

I would go this route over the rascals though

cman said:
My knees started giving me fits this summer. Part of the problem was riding to small of bikes(cruisers). Make sure you have a bike that is properly fit. Your body is more important than being on a cool bike.

Ditto that. With the seat low you're using your knees to pedal instead of your legs. You may not even notice while you're riding but it'll catch up to ya.
I know it sounds cheesy, but the right diet can make a HUGE difference. My gf has had rheumatoid arthritis in her knee since she was a teenager. She was on meds for years and it finally got to the point that even they didn't really help, and it affected her mental health too as she felt completely dependent on them. After a period of research she COMPLETELY changed her diet and lifestyle, and now she is pain and medicine free! :wink: Much healthier than me. And cuter, too.
Is this the pain and suffering thread? I'm in. :cry: I've got it in the back. Kyphosis...curvature of the spine. My vertebrae are eroding away on the front side and I'm bending forward. Back pain is a way of life. I guess I'll keep bending forward farther and farther until I kiss my butt goodbye. :p In the mean time...Let Me Ride! 8) Gary
my wife has had RA for over 20 years. She has found a good rheumatologist, he now has her on Humera, and she's biking weekly.Miracle drug. expensive. Contact the company that makes it, explain why you cant afford it, and they send ya a coupon. Its affordable then. A good rheumatologist that is well versed is worth his weight in gold. She WAS on gold for a year or two,too. Good luck.
Constant exercise helps me with my arthritis. Daily rides,short, keeps me limber.I am busy, and physical in my work. I wont let my age keepme down...

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