ATOMIC PUNK - New camera time - August 8

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Re: ATOMIC PUNK - New Pics!! - June 11

sensor said:
great ideas & execution this year as well :mrgreen:

Thanks sensor. I did have this build all planned out..........even did a few sketches!!, but as soon as I started working on it, it started to go in a whole other direction :shock: The only thing I'm determined to keep from the original ideas and drawings is the springer.

I didn't get a whole lot done this weekend, so here is a couple of pics of the bike chocked up while I was measuring up for the rockers.

Fellow Ratrodders, if you don't have a 6" steel rule, do yourselves a favour and get one.......they come in soooo handy for small measuring jobs and fit nicely in your top pocket. I got this one when I was a first year apprentice and have had it for 30 years.

Chocked up

Tubes slid up.....still a little more to go

Re: ATOMIC PUNK - Rocker Prototypes!! - June 12

Got the rocker and lower mount prototypes made today. I made these from 3mm bar, so they would be quicker to cut and drill and check to see if my measurements would work. Everything looks to be OK, so I can replicate them in 5mm.....I may even cut an arc in the rockers, to break up the straight lines.


Re: ATOMIC PUNK - New Pics!! - June 11

bean said:
Fellow Ratrodders, if you don't have a 6" steel rule, do yourselves a favour and get one.......they come in soooo handy for small measuring jobs and fit nicely in your top pocket. I got this one when I was a first year apprentice and have had it for 30 years.

Is it still a 6" rule if it's metric??? I also use a 6" rule quite a bit, real handy to have. Also dial calipers are a must for me (especially because mine will do metric/inch conversions without me having to remember a formula!)

Your bike is coming along great. Rg
Re: ATOMIC PUNK - Rocker Prototypes!! - June 12

My dad was an crew chief aircraft mechanic for Gulfstrem jets and I can remember he always had that 6" rule in his pocket. I don't even have one, but will get one.
I use the cheap blue Harbor Freight caliper ALL the time!!! It has metric and english on it. I know it's not good enough for machining, but it's been good for basic bike stuff so far.
Re: ATOMIC PUNK - New Pics!! - June 11

raggedjim said:
bean said:
Fellow Ratrodders, if you don't have a 6" steel rule, do yourselves a favour and get one.......they come in soooo handy for small measuring jobs and fit nicely in your top pocket. I got this one when I was a first year apprentice and have had it for 30 years.

Is it still a 6" rule if it's metric??? I also use a 6" rule quite a bit, real handy to have. Also dial calipers are a must for me (especially because mine will do metric/inch conversions without me having to remember a formula!)

Your bike is coming along great. Rg

Thanks raggedjim. It's metric on one side and has inches on the other :D . I use dial and digital calipers regularly as well.
Australia changed from Imperial measurements to Metric in 1966, the year I was born, so all I learned at school was Metric. When I started my apprenticeship, all of the tradesmen used both systems, so I had to learn to use both, and do conversions pretty quickly :? I do like my digital vernier calipers though.......just have to press the button to convert........must be getting old and lazy :wink:
Re: ATOMIC PUNK - New Pics!! - June 11

bean said:
I do like my digital vernier calipers though.......just have to press the button to convert........must be getting old and lazy :wink:

I prefer to think of it as working smarter, not harder! When I was in 4th grade my teacher told me the USA would be metric before I graduated. That was 40 years ago, she was wrong.

Re: ATOMIC PUNK - Vintage Mic Tail Light Progress!! - June 14

Didn't get any work done on the rockers and mounts in the past couple of days, but I did have a play around with the tail light. Pretty happy with it, mainly because it's not gonna take much work to finish :D

Parts bin tail light

Fits perfectly.....just have to secure it and drill a hole to access the switch

And looks like this :D
Re: ATOMIC PUNK - Vintage Mic Tail Light Progress!! - June 14

Oh yeah!! Microphone checka 1-2 checka(look it up you uncultured ratters) Das EFX. Peace
Re: ATOMIC PUNK - Vintage Mic Tail Light Progress!! - June 14

"Check. Check. Check 1. Sibilance. Sibilance. Check. Check. Check 2. Sibilance. Sibilance."

Nice taillight, We're not worthy! Rg

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