Being a wonderful Sunday yesterday.I set my mind to starting this build.
Step 1- Expand the forks. I think this bike either had 27' or 28' wheels.
I am only using 26 x 2.125 tires,so just need to make wider 1-2cm
I bent the 2 sides out using my pipe bender.
Then I place a block of wood from a pallet
between.Then stick it inside the clamp and start closing the forks back
Also did the same to the rear dropout,it only needed 1 cm
Sanded down and tacked together.
The mess
I am using old plumbing pipe that I have and a old stem.
I have so many bits of pipes/offcuts that I keep.I use every bit of scrap metal I can.
Cut the curve and tacked the pipe into place
A long view
Next was the top pipe,a thinner
pipe.The bottom is the weight bearer. Bent it to exact.
Everything is just tacked together,to get the shape and measures
correct.The scrolls are just sitting inside for now.
Now it's time to get it on the ground
Step 2 - Was the tray,I did this a few days before,again everything is just tacked.
Still have to mount the stem on yet.
The side brackets for the wheels.I am like 2cm
short.So might have to make longer ones or I do something different.
And here is as far as I am.
Next days will be welding and grinding it all solid.