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Nov 26, 2007
Reaction score
Arlington Texas
Rating - 0%
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Well, I finished my summer project last Friday, now I can get back to my '54 Pontiac and my cruiser


Bandit, I'm gonna barbecue yo a.. in molasses!
Sweet! I have a 77 also, almost ready for paint. numbers matching, buccaneer red with white deluxe interior. will post pics later.
My late, great uncle Harry, looked exactly like Buford T. Justice, and was a local Sherriff, and Justice of the peace. Everytime I saw him get out of his patrol car, I could just hear that background music in my head from the movie. I don't know how many times I heard him say, you Sum Bi***. Even funnier, my grandfather looked just like Jackie Gleason as well, but more like the Honey Mooners version. I'm gonna have to dig those movies out and watch them now. I still have them on VHS. Heck, if Sylvester Stalone can rehash the Rocky, and Rambo's, why can't burt do Smokey and the Bandit part IV? Well, I guess it would not be the same without Jackie though. Anyway, thanks for the pics! :lol: :mrgreen:

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