So, I got a box full of cheeep bikes and parts and put together a sting ray style banana seat bike and listed it on craigslist. No headbadge, probably an AMF or Western Flyer, crank makes it a 1979. The pictures show it's clearly just a boys bike, nothing special but in good shape with a new paint job and everything working. Getting the $30 asking price would have thrilled me.
So big bubba and his wife come out to look at the bike. He looks it over like he's expecting it to be a 1963 Solo Polo Sting ray. Playing with the headset, looking at the tires and the cranks. Definitely not looking to buy a bike for his kid. He turns his nose up and says he'll have to pass, "it's just a bike".
No kidding, that's why it said exactly that in the ad! What did he expect for a bike listed for $30??
It seems that people are more often trying to sell their ok common bikes for a lot more than they are worth or expecting to buy the first Stingray for a song. Everybody is out scheming and dreaming up then next big steal or deal.
So big bubba and his wife come out to look at the bike. He looks it over like he's expecting it to be a 1963 Solo Polo Sting ray. Playing with the headset, looking at the tires and the cranks. Definitely not looking to buy a bike for his kid. He turns his nose up and says he'll have to pass, "it's just a bike".
No kidding, that's why it said exactly that in the ad! What did he expect for a bike listed for $30??
It seems that people are more often trying to sell their ok common bikes for a lot more than they are worth or expecting to buy the first Stingray for a song. Everybody is out scheming and dreaming up then next big steal or deal.