Hey guys,
Spent a week in the Dam in the end of July for the biggest International custom bike fest in the world. There was about 350 riders this year with some of the wildest rides you'll ever see. There was mostly European bikes represented and well represented!!! With a few guys from Canada and the US reping. Sic Nic was there once again with his "swamp thing" (you will see in the pics) and some badass bikes from Finland winning the Custom of the Year. It was also a good meeting for many of the Chopaderos from around the world and there was nearly 50 repping from at least 10 different countries.
Among some of the activities included a 50km bike ride that kicked ass!!! I thought it was going to kick my ass with my single gear extra low stretch, but when I finally thought about putting some good air pressure it was a breeze. Lots of beer stops along the river and a very scary night forest run in which a couple of guys didn't get out of till the morning because they got lost with no lights(Poor Bastards).
The Party cruise on Saturday is always a killer ride through the Dam and I really don't know how the dutch can be so patient when there is a cruise 15-20 min long and blocking all intersections. It was one of most flowing cruises I have ever been on and luckily the rain god of Holland broke just enough time for us to complete the 3 hour tour around the Dam. Killer ....!!!
Another new activity this year was the first FBI BBO in which 3 national teams participated to determine what could be done in 3 days and put a bike or (trike) through a battery of funny ass dutch games. There was a Dutch team, captained by the one and only 'Basman', there was a Canadian team, captained by the Springer Fork King and custom bike aficianado, John Brain. Finally, a Spanish team that really struggled to find an actual Espanol to captain and finally settled for myself. All good fun!! You can check out the pics of our completed rides. The trike is now in Slovenia with some loving parents that will keep it warm at night.
For myself, this has to be my favorite of all the FBI's that I have been to in the last 4 years. On many levels, it was rewarding and amazingly fun and the greatest place to meet custom bike freaks from around the world. If any of you have a chance to experience it next year you will not go home the same. Enjoy the pics and hope to see some of you in the Dam next year!!!!!
Massive 3 gallery collection...
http://www.choppernewsnetwork.com/cruis ... highlights
Spent a week in the Dam in the end of July for the biggest International custom bike fest in the world. There was about 350 riders this year with some of the wildest rides you'll ever see. There was mostly European bikes represented and well represented!!! With a few guys from Canada and the US reping. Sic Nic was there once again with his "swamp thing" (you will see in the pics) and some badass bikes from Finland winning the Custom of the Year. It was also a good meeting for many of the Chopaderos from around the world and there was nearly 50 repping from at least 10 different countries.
Among some of the activities included a 50km bike ride that kicked ass!!! I thought it was going to kick my ass with my single gear extra low stretch, but when I finally thought about putting some good air pressure it was a breeze. Lots of beer stops along the river and a very scary night forest run in which a couple of guys didn't get out of till the morning because they got lost with no lights(Poor Bastards).
The Party cruise on Saturday is always a killer ride through the Dam and I really don't know how the dutch can be so patient when there is a cruise 15-20 min long and blocking all intersections. It was one of most flowing cruises I have ever been on and luckily the rain god of Holland broke just enough time for us to complete the 3 hour tour around the Dam. Killer ....!!!
Another new activity this year was the first FBI BBO in which 3 national teams participated to determine what could be done in 3 days and put a bike or (trike) through a battery of funny ass dutch games. There was a Dutch team, captained by the one and only 'Basman', there was a Canadian team, captained by the Springer Fork King and custom bike aficianado, John Brain. Finally, a Spanish team that really struggled to find an actual Espanol to captain and finally settled for myself. All good fun!! You can check out the pics of our completed rides. The trike is now in Slovenia with some loving parents that will keep it warm at night.
For myself, this has to be my favorite of all the FBI's that I have been to in the last 4 years. On many levels, it was rewarding and amazingly fun and the greatest place to meet custom bike freaks from around the world. If any of you have a chance to experience it next year you will not go home the same. Enjoy the pics and hope to see some of you in the Dam next year!!!!!
Massive 3 gallery collection...
http://www.choppernewsnetwork.com/cruis ... highlights