Thanks Fisch!I'm glad you're liking it.I appreciate the suggestions.I mocked it up with a 24x3 Fatti-O and I think it leveled it out like you were talking about.Looked pretty cool.However,since this frame was built to fit 28" wheels I need to be mindful of the bottom bracket height.The kickstand on it now is from a muscle bike.I still need to figure how long of a crank I can use without using cranks from a muscle bike to keep the pedals from dragging on every down stroke.From what I've learned measuring cranks on bikes I've got waiting around:men's bikes have either 170 or 175mm cranks.Women's are usually 165 or 170mm.Then it seems to drop to 140 or shorter for muscle bikes.I was hoping for something around 155 to keep them as long as possible and save pedal abuse.I think I ran across a couple that were 160mm.But I was leaning over a line of bikes in a poorly lit corner of "The Hole" so I'll have to investigate further.
I really like how the bike sits as it is.I didn't think I would when I mocked it up.But when I took it outside,took a few steps back and turned around to look,a huge grin spread across my face
Then I must have chuckled a little bit because the neighbor kid was standing next to me while this was going on and turned to me and said "What's so funny?"The only answer I could think of was "I like it."The stance reminds me of a funny car,which I love.They just have a "Not to be Messed With" vibe.Even when standing still.
Thanks again for your feedback.I will have to keep your ideas in mind.Got the wheels ta turnin' in my head :!:
I really like how the bike sits as it is.I didn't think I would when I mocked it up.But when I took it outside,took a few steps back and turned around to look,a huge grin spread across my face
Thanks again for your feedback.I will have to keep your ideas in mind.Got the wheels ta turnin' in my head :!: