~BBO 4 Idea~

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JoeyMac said:
none of my bikes are trailer queens, I don't even own a trailer! But seriously, I rode DevilWing to work several times now, and much more outside of work. I am probably going to ride it into the ground.

We've seen your scrapes, from the last bike you rode into the "ground"................DevilWing doesn't deserve that!
Just so nobody gets the wrong idea from my comment, I don't believe we have any trailer Queens in the build off or in the forum for that matter. It's just a statement. :D
Hey all, great post with a bunch of different opinions. I've my own 2 cents to toss in, but before I do, I offer this for consideration. We have all gathered here to play in Steve's (a.k.a. ratrod) sandbox, the final word shall always be his, agreed?
Now, for an overall definition of what constitutes a ratrod, here's a link. For those unfamiliar, wikipedia is an encyclopedia built by we the people, who contribute our common knowledge.
So, according to that definition, the boardtracker I built for the bbo wouldn't qualify as a true rat, it would be considered more of a hot-rod. I didn't build it with that particular goal in mind, thats just how the build evolved.

Those same guidelines would have disqualified several other bikes had they been applied. We each voted for the bikes we chose according to our own internal ideals of what was the best rat rod. The winners were chosen in an open, democratic fashion. There's simply no room for sour grapes here folks.
For those requesting clarity, perhaps a poll should be taken on exactly constitutes a "rat rod" Once the ideal is agreed on (if ever), the definition can be included in the starting/rule post, like Steve already does.
I don't know if that will finally end the occasional griping that occurs, but it may be worth a shot.
Remember, this post is just one man's opinion, take from it what you will, and leave the rest for the next guy to decide.
My humble opinion. I think it works pretty good the way it is. Maybe change the name of the build off to RatRodBikes.com Custom Bicycle Build Off. As Steve has stated before, this site could have just as easily been Hotrodbikes.com. Ratrodbikes.com is just the name. The description is "an online community for custom bike builders".
No matter what I think we should keep the stock frame rule. So a guy in an apartment with a simple set of tools doesn't have to compete with a shop built one off custom frame. Builders have already went way beyond what I thought was possible with this restriction.

I do also like seeing the special side build offs.
I think it's fine the way it and I believe we shouldn't get too hung up on definitions or styles. These build offs, in my opinion are democracy in action. The bottom line is the people choose. An individual has the right to enter any style bike he or she chooses as long as they abide by the rules and the rest is up to the voters. I really don't think you should dictate strict style criteria. The reason I went with the design I did was I felt that I could shake things up with a style that was a little different than the flipped bar board tracker look that seemed to dominate the other builds. While building it I kept hearing that voice from Monty Python in my head where the man say's 'and now for something completely different'. While I'm thrilled with the amount of votes I did get apparently the majority felt differently. I'm sure if it had done better there would have been people questioning if it's a Rat Rod. But I think that makes it even more exciting, that is the uncertainty over which style the people will prefer. just my opinion. :mrgreen:
ej599 said:
I'm sure if it had done better there would have been people questioning if it's a Rat Rod. But I think that makes it even more exciting, that is the uncertainty over which style the people will prefer. just my opinion. :mrgreen:
Your bike was (is) 100% RatRod!
it can be real hard to build a rat rod bike cheap the same as building a real rat rod cheap. my buddy has $35k in his 325hp blown flathead in his model A ratrod.

Never seen a rat with a 35k motor. Pretty sure it's no longer a rat. When you have no money, it's a lot easier to build cheap bikes, or cars.
heres one my buddy built with a 35k blown flathead
great example hooch is that car still a "rat rod?" well it does look the part but obviously sinking that kind of cash into the motor begs to differ from the original idea. however back in the day there were guys building motors like this and i bet it cost a lot less then. but now because there are a scatered few who build these types of motors the price goes up. take my ranchero no not a true rat rod but deffenetly built with the rat rod frame of mind. make it cool and keep it cheap.

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