got this beater schwinn off craigs list it was alot more beat then i thought it was. i'm going on a ride sunday and needed a bike for my girl to ride for the day so i got this one it was cheap. she is to short to ride it the way it was so i cut the frame were the seat post gos in. i want to put a cheap springer on it a tank on it, i see the tanks go for around $45. i'm just doing very little before the ride. i want to cut the rear frame to lower it an inch or two. here it is so far
here is the bike after i worked alittle on it
here it is after alot of work
here it is with the new chrome rims
so i rode the bike for the first time and found out the forks i had on there really didn't work so i had to put the bent ones back on and took this pic of it. i think it looks to much like a lowrider bike with those rims, but it rides so nice with the new cranks, sproket and rims and tires. i think this bike will get sold soon to build my girl a better bike.
here is the bike after i worked alittle on it
here it is after alot of work
here it is with the new chrome rims
so i rode the bike for the first time and found out the forks i had on there really didn't work so i had to put the bent ones back on and took this pic of it. i think it looks to much like a lowrider bike with those rims, but it rides so nice with the new cranks, sproket and rims and tires. i think this bike will get sold soon to build my girl a better bike.