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Finally got my Schwinn Twin Straight Bar done. Couldn't figure out what color or wheels to use until I got some Schwalbe Fat Franks for $15 a piece (SCORE!). So another bare metal bike but I tried to keep some of the Schwinn style like the original seat (now panified) and handlebar style (now aluminum) and chain gaurd. It rides super smooth:)


Thanks for Looking

This 1939 Derby covered with several coats of house paint. See the bike shop work order as I received it. The original tires & tubes holding air just fine. Mechanically sound and ready for a makeover.

The transformation included powder coating & striping, change of seat with new leather; new tires & grips. Ready to ride anywhere.
WOW! Absolutely beautiful restore. I'm not versed in Derby's are they in the Elgin family of bikes (from the chainring and truss rod setup)?
In any case, WOW!

Dr. T

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I have not found much info on Derbys, but have many features of the Mercury. The headbadge is same shape as Mercury, but the Merc came with many trinkets like fender tips, hub covers and those fancy light pods.
WOW! Absolutely beautiful restore. I'm not versed in Derby's are they in the Elgin family of bikes (from the chainring and truss rod setup)?
In any case, WOW!

I have not found much info on Derbys, but have many features of the Mercury. The headbadge is same shape as Mercury, but the Merc came with many trinkets like fender tips, hub covers and those fancy light pods.

Yeah, the Derby bicycles I've seen (not the German ones, but the US ones) were Murray-built, like the Mercury (top-line Murray) and many Elgins (many Elgins were built by Murray, but many others were made by Westfield, aka Columbia.) That blue '39 Derby is hott. :grin: **EDIT** It looks hott in maroon powder w/ the striping, too!
Nice looking bike...Have a 62 corvette bare metal for couple years..maybe paint someday?
Thanks! I wanted to do something that would show off the straight bars so was thinking bright Schwinn yellow but with the white tires (and I got lazy) I just took off the paint and polished/clear coated it. Do you got a link/pic of your 62?

I also kinda like the look it has in this pics with a lot of other bare metal (Light rail and building of the new Viking's stadium)
