best product for cleaning chains & bearings?

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Jun 10, 2008
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Indianapolis, Indiana
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I've read that WD-40 isn't a good product for cleaning chains, but I've always soaked old frozen chains in WD-40 and they've always come back to life. I usually soak bearings in WD-40 as well and have never had any problems. I always wipe the WD-40 off before I re-install the bearings or chains. Is there a better product to use for this purpose?
If you just want to remove gunk & hardened old grease then you can't beat electrical contact cleaner. A cheaper option would be white spirit (paint thinners) which works a treat if you leave the parts to soak.

EDIT: If you've never had a problem with WD40 then I wouldn't worry to much. The proof is in the pudding, as they say ...
for my chains i've started by soaking in a can of parts cleaner (from auto parts store)
usualy over night. then a washing with simple green. then i'll boil the chain in
bees wax and pariffin wax. good waterproof protection and dirt won't stick to the chain.
also as a plus the chain won't get your hands greasy

I have a bucket of carb cleaner I got from NAPA Auto parts. It is environmentally friendly and safe to use. Soak the greasy parts overninght and rinse and they are squeeky clean. There is also a similar product on the market called Evapo-rust that dissolves rust overnight. I have had very good luck cleaning up old chains, etc. Not cheap @ $20 a gallon, but can be used a couple times before it loses it's kick.
socal_jack said:
I just use lacquer thinner.

Me too, on grease. I like odorless mineral spirits now, you can re-use it if you keep it in a jar or can and just drop in the grungy old bearings, cups, etc, in a few minutes they're ready to be rinsed. Blast them with some brake parts cleaner or just wipe with a rag or two. The mineral spirits seem to be a little oily and break down the old grease, not as much caustic stink either.

As for rusty chains, I leave them on the bike tensioned and get them oily, then a few minutes later hit em with a Dremel brush and get all the way around, flex the chain, and go link by link.

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