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May 29, 2007
Reaction score
Clearwater Florida
Rating - 100%
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Everytime I walk into most bike shops, mainly Montgomery Cyclery by my house. They have no clue about anything other than brand new mountain bikes or road bikes. I was looking for a 26" single speed chain yesterday & the first question from the guy is "what is this going on". Then I ask for a 24" inner tube & it's the same question "what is this going on". I told him it's a bike I"m building & it needs to be a 24"x3" tube & he says "oh, you have an occ chopper bike". Then another time I was looking for a 26"x2" mountain bike tire for my motor bike build & of course the guy asks me "what is this going on & what type of trails will you be riding" These guys know only what the manual says.
What is this going on? Haha.

It's always good to support your local bike shop, you're a good man.

As long as they're not asking, "do you want fries with that?", I think you'll be okay. :mrgreen:
Buzzkill is what I call what you have experianced.

I pretty much have had that happen with my bicycle experiances with my local BS's.
I have even been acused of stealing a bike sold to me buy a bike shop lol.

It has so effected me that I pretty much just don't buy much at my LBS & pretty much have avoided a lot of shows , rides , Shops & Swaps.

I would just love to share all my old cool stuff with everyone . Its pretty much been me & Lou Lou for an Ice cream or Early Evening ride through the old Airbase.

Some how Buzzkill all starts at the bike shop when ya have a pocket full of money, wana spend it & they wana argue with ya about what ya really want lol, then they tell ya they can order it .

For me at my first show attempt it went even further down hill lol.

So far for me, going to a good Drag Race , 2 rides with the grinders , & rides with Lou Lou have been the moments to remember.
Haven't been able to find a short notice, hey ya wana go ride the cruzers on short notice type of friend here localy to share good times with.

BUZZKILL ... or mayby with the old age thing i'm just getting pickier, finnikyer, more particular & demanding about who I spend my time with.

In short , LOL... It's proably me

OMD ...... Old Mans Deziese . Symptoms May include but are not limited to the following
Avoiding the LBS, Grumpyness , Hermititas or Crabyness & several other asociated side effects not listed here.

Hey , if the Big Shiney Hi Overhead Bike shop just wants to run my $$$$$ off , my $$$ will just find another way to spend its self ealsewere.

Am I all alone ??
Stephen / Wingman
Pretty much if I have to ask for something at a BS and can't see it I probably won't be buying. Performance is about the only BS that I can see it touch it without having to ask or be told they can order. Its about 15 miles away so I limit my trips. We have 6 LBS within a 3mile radius from me. Only one has much on display parts wise, he also has buckets of take off stuff that's come in handy. Most of my stuff is internetted!The guy that could be most helpful has older stock but it takes a min. time of about 1 hour to buy something if you are not the first one there he talks and talks he also can be crude or mean to customers who don't know what they want or disagree with him. I have told him in the past that the only reason I bought bikes from him was for the entertainment factor.
:roll: Hey Rusty, It's the same here for me and after they ask whats it going on they tell me that won't work. :x Most of the time this comes from a kid who's been riding a mt. or road bike for a year or two and now knows averything about bikes. :roll: I roll into any of the shops with one of my customs and it might as well be a fat old lady they won't even look at them. I guess I feel I'm from another planet :?
I have a great relationship with Kopps Cycles in my town. They are the oldest bike store in America! I go there pretty much every friday to talk, see the latest stuff, and get parts. They have a few old bikes out back that I like to look through as well.
rusty513 said:
KJV said:
Mark, go to Bishop's.
their showroom is full
of cruisers.
Yeah I've been there too & they are the same way

i never had a problem with them.
its been about a year sense i been there.
seems the whole world has turned direction. in the past year.
i love how everyone says support ur local bike shop ...LOL but when u go in there they look at u like ur crazy or dont wanna deal with ya cause ur not buyin a 2500 bike i say unless they get a cool bike shop that will deal with everyone the same way ...ill get my stuff somewhere else ...dont hurt my feelings one bit !!!! i asked a guy at the shop i get boxes about threading a fork for me ...."well its 53.00 and hour and would take at least an hour " yeah right thnx ill pass ...i go 2 the one across town and he said almost the same thing ...and then i see a bent springer up on the much u have 2 have 4 that springer ..89.99...HUH is it old i ask ....nope its new its kinda hard 2 but stuff with mark ups like that ...ya know !!!! the guy at the second shop is alot cooler than the other guys least he has old bikes in the show room and he will atleast try and get u what u need ...may cost ya 3 times more but ,..LOL he has the 4 inch occ tires in there 59.99 ...!!!! i told him i had 3 of em id sell him for 25.00 each ...LOL oh well just my 2 pennies !!!! MIKE
After reading these stories, I have to consider myself pretty lucky. At my LBS, only one of the kids that works there asked me "What is it going on" when I asked about a chain. The owner helps me out with small stuff like bearings and races, gives me discounts when I need stuff. Because of that I make sure I buy a few things a month from them, customer service really matters. Last weekend I went in and the place was packed, he looked up and motioned me over and told me to go back to his office and see what he had. Early 20's Hurcules that he and some of the guys had restored for a client. Now whenever I come in he asks me "What are you working on now?" :mrgreen:
I went to my local bicycle shop yesterday, where I have taken my mountain bike in the past, to ask about 700c wheels. He asked what for? I said I had a 29er, but with 48 spoke wheels, and was looking for ones that I could put a standard 3 speed internal hub on (36H). I knew they had alot of used roadbike and hybrid stuff I thought I would check. He asked where I got a 29" cruiser...cause he said NOBODY makes one of those! I said...well...I actually got mine at Wal-Mart...but it was just a starting point. And I told him that some of the other mfg's DO make them (mentioned PHAT cycles). He told me he had no wheels that would work for me...and that I should return the Wal-Mart bike, and buy a standard 26" like everyone else. This was the OWNER I was talking with...not the mechanic (who is much much nicer to get along with). SO....I want to support my LBS (and there are 3 here)...but none of them want to support ME...unless I am buying a top of the line road bike or mountain bike!
I have two that I frequent near me. The closest deals mainly in BMX and skateboards, but he is always willing to help me track down parts, special order what I need, and he calls me when someone brings in an old bike to sell. Real easy to deal with and interested in my projects even though they aren't his cup of tea. The other shop I frequent deals mainly in cruisers. They have been in business since the bicycle was invented or maybe a couple days later it seems. The guys there are always helpful and I can spend hours chatting with them, looking at the latest Schwinns on the showroom floor or just discuss the latest bicyle news from the other locals who show up, seems like someone I know is always there.

The owners of both shops are very friendly and take the time to make me feel welcome in their shops. Customer service goes a long way in my book. We have 7 other shops in the Wichita area- the elitist roadie shops, the mountain bike crowd, and I think there may even be a hipster haven (walked in once and left after a couple minutes).

I count myself as lucky to have the good shops I like. I buy from them when I can, but when I need something neither can get I hit the interwebs.
yeah its the same here, they all do mtn or road bikes, theres a few shops ones 30 mins away the other 45 . theres one close by and Troy the owner is a cool guy, gotten to know him over many years as a kid going there he'll do all he can to order me in what ever I need as he knows im always building, customizing something he loves cruisers also but theres no big market for them around here... but the kid he has working there almost everyday is a meat head :| everytime I go in to ask or buy something he just says "nope we cant get them" he's all about mtn biking its big here and im into it also but not as much as cruisin and i guess because he isnt he doesnt want to help... while I probably know there supplier books better then he does since im always looking through them when Troys there lol but unfortunately I avoid the store most of the time because of the employee.
But the other Caps cycles has alot of cruisers and same story ive gotten to know the owners son (runs the store) and he will get me in stuff cut me good deals etc also they have alot more suppliers.... but you basically got to find the right store for you and stick with it I drive past prob 7-8 bike shops to go to the good ones im known at :)
The bike shop where we spent some $$ is pretty much like what you guys are describing. Aloof young know it alls that look down their nose at anything they don't sell. I took a fork in once and asked them to just chase the steer tube threads. He said $20, and when I told him I just wanted the existing threads chased, not new ones cut, he reminded me how much his die cost, which I already knew, and I told him I didn't want to buy the tool for him, just a simple 2 minute job. He eventually came down to $5 before I walked out. I would not have taken the job for free. 5 minutes at home with my small Harbor Freight files, and I was good to go. Sheesh! :shock:

On the other hand, it turns out the closest LBS to me is working out quite different.

This shop is so high end they could outfit and train Lance Armstrong. Their bikes easily go way north of $10K.

Ever since the first time I dropped in asking for a wheel strip for a 26 in wheel (which he had to order), I have gotten to know the owner. He always delivers, and shows me around the high dollar stuff, but he also always asks what I'm working on. I got a kind of a blank stare briefly when I told him about the RRBoff 6 rust bike project, but he said he wants me to bring it in and show him.

A couple of weeks ago, I was working on a '79 Schwinn for a friend of my wife's for a birthday present for her daughter. I started on the front re-pack, and could not find my 13mm cheap-o cone wrench. So I went over to K&S and asked to buy one. Well he didn't have one in stock, so he reached up and handed me his from his shop area, and said to bring it by when I was finished. I brought it back on Monday and ordered Park 13, 14, and 15mm from him. Today when I went by to pick them up he had a whole set, and offered them to me at his price. I told him I expected retail, but he said no, so I jumped on them.


I usually pass by his shop at 5:30 pm on my way home from work, and when I have something to pick up he always offers me a beer. Sometimes I take him up on it, as I'm about 3 miles from home. Sheryl and I are talking about mountain bike clipless shoes and pedals for our hybreds. He's going to get my business.
My LBS is the only one within 50 miles and it sucks. Prices are double what they should be, if it's not for a road bike they don't want to talk to you, not a single bike under 500.00

Me: yes I'm looking for 20 inch white walls.

Them: What would you want those for?

Me: Your mom asked for some for her birthday, now do you have them or not?

Them: we can order them

Me. Go ahead and maybe someone else would want to waste their time with you.

Them: huh

Me: exactly.
Most of the LBS here only know about new expensive bikes. Except for one great shop called G. Oscar Bikes. This shop is great they cater to old bikes, they buy mostly used bikes fix them up a little and resell them. Recycling bikes and parts are pretty much what they are known for. Their prices are very reasonable and they will build any custom bike you want with any parts. Check out the site

Good to hear that there are some good customer service oriented businesses out there! I try really hard to be friendly...and spend my money locally....and there are some local businesses (non-bike) that I frequent...and it is almost like dropping in and hanging out with some old friends...shooting the bull....and such. There are (3) local bike shops all within spitting distance of each other here in Watertown, NY. I mentioned is a is hardly open (stopped today again at go)....and the other doesnt want you interrupting their customerless day.

One of these days I will find one. I travel the area quite a bit...and if that shop happens to be an hour or so be it. That is where my time and money will be spent!


jerrykr said:
I usually pass by his shop at 5:30 pm on my way home from work, and when I have something to pick up he always offers me a beer. Sometimes I take him up on it, as I'm about 3 miles from home. Sheryl and I are talking about mountain bike clipless shoes and pedals for our hybreds. He's going to get my business.

Ya see, thats the kind of service that makes you want to go back there! I do the same and have no problem spending a lil more $ at a shop that makes you feel at home and welcome!
My latest lbs drama, I went in asking for a 21.1mm stem, just something basic for a bike I was flipping, The head mechainic replies that I need a 1" stem and here is a box of them, "all 1" stems are the same". I tried to tell him otherwise but he's the expert of course.

I have to be nice though, they just took in an all original coppertone Schwinn Jaguar with slimline horn tank and springer 8) .

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