Bike dork ahead!!!!!

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Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
Springfield, MO.
Rating - 0%
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Hello everybody my name is Jay and I hail from Springfield, MO. I am new to the 26" game but I am ready to jump in head first. I am an oldschool bmx'er and have a handful of of bmx bikes ranging from 1979 to 2003. I love my 20" bikes but have been feeling the need to try something new. I picked this up about a month ago for $30 and I am getting ready to strip it down so I can build it back up. There are a few thing's I am going to need for it but I think I will sit back and get used to your for sale forum before I jump in.

I think it is a Huffy but the badge is fadded to a point that you can't read it anymore. I am gonna be hacking and welding on it so I thought that a Huffy would be a good candidate for this. Thank you and have a great weekend, we have a tornado warning getting ready to kick in and the storm is moving at us at 80mph :shock: so I had better get my duck's in a row. -Jay
welcome :mrgreen:
post your needs in the classifieds....someone should have what your lookin for! :mrgreen:
Hey Jay,Welcome In!

I started with 26'ers but now Im drifting more toward 20" Stingray types.

Welcome to the group. I live in Aurora, MO about 35 miles west of you. I have a pretty good pile of parts bikes if you need anything send me a PM or you can email me at [email protected] . I think there is atleast one other member from the Springfield area maybe we could get a ride organized sometime.
Flame Jigger said:

Welcome to the group. I live in Aurora, MO about 35 miles west of you. I have a pretty good pile of parts bikes if you need anything send me a PM or you can email me at [email protected] . I think there is atleast one other member from the Springfield area maybe we could get a ride organized sometime.

I would love to get together for a cruise sometime, look me up when you are ready to roll.
Yup. Bicycles are addictive in general. In 3 months time, I went from 1 bike to 3. And my wife went from one to two, and she doesnt even ride them much. ha!

Welcome to the site. :mrgreen:
ifitsfreeitsforme said:
welcome to the forum Jay. and ah... if those are 9/16" thread pedals and you're not going to be using them, PM me, I'll take 'em off your hands ;-)

Sorry, they are 1/2", I will keep my eyes out for you though.
welcome from one jay to another. i have roots in bmx too and at 6'2" i just can't enjoy them like i used to. great first cruiser to get your feet wet with. now i have had over 86 bikes, currently have like 16 or 18 and 8 of which are cruisers. if my obsession with bikes and especially cruisers is wrong, then i don't wanna be right.

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