Re: Bike Shop Bought Out
Here are more pics.
Lots of cables, a few brakes, plenty of chain, and a few cable clamps
NOS Union chain. Too bad it is 1/2x1/4"
New Shimano Positron Derailer
A little bling for your RRBBO8 bike?
A freshly powder coated girls bike and what parts came with it.
BMX bars and a chrome rack
New sign for the garage
Parts bin
Arayas, the RB17s are a little rough, but the X7s (?) and new.
Old School time!
NOS Skyway free wheel rebuild kit
BMX seats- two GTs, A Powerlite, two Aeros, and one just marked BMX
NOS Western Flyer branded New Departure front hub rebuild kit
Bendix 86 rebuild kit. Everything but the hub shell.
Another cool badge
Who can tell me what this tool is for?