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Re: ** BILLET BULLET ** UFO sighting!!

What's cooler than a good looking, ridable, custom bike? Looks good.
Re: ** BILLET BULLET ** UFO sighting!!

awesome...glad your getting some good use out of it...I just finnished cleaning up an old le tour I bought and been riding the heck out of it and loving it :)
Re: ** BILLET BULLET ** UFO sighting!!

herr_rudolf said:

^ Too bad a 20 mile-trip causes the aliminum bars to rub off on my hands... ^
Ah well, I expected that ofcourse.

Back when I still rode with bar ends for mountain biking, used to get the alloy- hands all the time. It's no big deal.

Good to hear the bike is functional.
Re: ** BILLET BULLET ** UFO sighting!!

Good to hear that it rides well too! That's a great feeling to ride a bike that you've built yourself! :D
Re: ** BILLET BULLET ** My Ugly Duckling...

Another sunny day at the park...




^ Then the geese started to get REALLY nosey...


^ When mother and father Goose start hissing, it's time to get the heck outta here...


Thanks guys for your comments. I'll get back to you tonight. For now, I'm off to the 'local' American car meeting. So my bike is getting another 20+ miles of road-use...

Have a nice sunday!
Re: ** BILLET BULLET ** My Ugly Ducklings..

LOVE the bike! Came out great!.............Also love hunting geese (flying rats).
Re: ** BILLET BULLET ** My Ugly Ducklings..


^ Disrespecting my Billet Bullet...

I went to a local 'Americana-meeting', couldn't find any other custom bicycle so I put mine on a spot for regular bikes. Click the following link for a pictorial report:
My report on the Amerikanen Meeting in Wintelre, Holland 2009

KOTA said:
LOVE the bike! Came out great!.............Also love hunting geese (flying rats).

^ I love duckhunting too!! (...on the 8-bit Nintendo, that is...)
Oh and Kota, I think it's not wise to say you don't like rats, on a rats-forum ; - )
In Holland pigeons are the flying rats...

EvilJohnny37 said:
that rack is SUPER COOL!

^ thanks mister!

meezonweelz said:
I think the alloy strips and the willys logo would look sick. Plus itll be a lil lighter.

^ Lighter?? It's the same circle with an extra 'W' therefor a wee bit heavier, don't ya think..?

Galtbacken said:
Good to hear that it rides well too! That's a great feeling to ride a bike that you've built yourself! :D

^ It's really a fun bike. It was obvious in an early stage when building it that this was a good bike to start with. So for just a smooth ride all I had to do was adjust it for my own bodydimensions , and a good cleaning.

onelesspedestrian said:
Back when I still rode with bar ends for mountain biking, used to get the alloy- hands all the time. It's no big deal.

Good to hear the bike is functional.

^ Yes, I really can go on and on riding this bike... Today I clocked another 20+ miles. Oh, and do you mean you did mountain biking with alloy grips?? I can live with it on a smooth surface, but all terrain..?

N8NBOX said:
awesome...glad your getting some good use out of it...I just finnished cleaning up an old le tour I bought and been riding the heck out of it and loving it :)

^ first there's some cleaning and adjusting, Then you'll be trying slightly fatter tires, Then you start thinking about how goodlooking that bike's going to be in flat black, And then... Just be sure to make some pics and start a thread on it here on the forum!! ; - )


ej599 said:
What's cooler than a good looking, ridable, custom bike? Looks good.

^ That's pretty much my goal in bikebuilding : - )
Re: ** BILLET BULLET ** My Ugly Ducklings..

deorman said:
WHOOANK!!(poopity-poop) :lol:

Remember, you're dealing with a dutchman here...
I have to speak out loud these words I don't understand right away, so the meaning may come to me when hearing me say them..

..and I'm not always alone in the room..

8 - /
; - )
Re: ** BILLET BULLET ** My Ugly Ducklings..

I'll try to keep that in mind. Some people don't speak goose! :wink:
Re: ** BILLET BULLET ** My Ugly Ducklings..

deorman said:
I'll try to keep that in mind. Some people don't speak goose! :wink:

Always willing to learn! Let me see if I remember some lyrics:



Nope, I can't remember Old MacDonald ever had a goose...

; -)
Re: ** BILLET BULLET ** when it rains...




When it rains it REALLY pours...

Just to let you know the weather in Holland isn't tropical most of the times... I guess some people started to think that when looking at my pics. The Dutch like to think it's always raining in Holland, so to maintain an objective view I have to share these pics from the day before yesterday. The weather was sort of okay-ish so I took my bullet out for a trip to the city. I was aware of the posibility of 'some' rain that day, but these kind of showers was absolutly a surprise to me and to the summerdressed shopping public I came across. Those short, but heavy showers were good for some big and deep puddles and therefor a perfect opportunity to test my homemade fenders. Glad to say they work 'okay'. My lugage got soaked though, and ofcourse I got wet feet, but apart from that my body did not get wet from splashed-up water. The backfender is pretty much useless ...but then there's the rack that guards me from the water.

When I finaly got home my bike fell to the ground and took a bite in the grass...

A few weeks earlier my rack assembly got damaged by my leather bag stuffed with beer and other groceries I had hanging on my shoulder/back. I had it on my back because I knew it was too heavy to take, for my aluminum rack. But suddenly my straplock came loose and the full weight of that bag pounded on my rack and on the ground. It wasn't untill the next day that I noticed my rack heavily bent out of shape... I tried to bend it back into shape by hand and it looks okay now..



My first roadkill!
Somehow a worm ended up on my fender/lightbrace... ; - )

When I wanted to clean up the bike after the heavy rain I used a highpressure gun to 'dry' my bike. When I finaly came to do the pedals the speed of them spinning really surprised me. It was al fun and games untill the reflectors scattered into pieces launched allover the workfloor...

Ahwell, the pedals look much better without...
; - )

Oh! I almost forgot to tell...
I've made a new strap for my brakelever. It now fits tight to the handlebars. I discovered some of the bad braking was caused by a slightly loose fitted lever. I hadn't noticed before because it was sitting on rubber. Now I used shorter rubber only under the strap (not under the lever itself). Braking has improved quite a lot. Even when it rains!
Re: ** BILLET BULLET ** My last piece of billet...


Just to add some humor to my build: An aluminum oversized clothespin. My latest and last piece of billet addition to my Billet Bullet before calling it 'DONE!'

Combined with the package it's an art piece I made for my exhibition at the Hotrod & Custom show SINS a few years back. It's called 'Hotrod Herrie' (Dutch for 'Hotrod Noise'), and is my rather negative comment on hotrodding/kustom-kulture in Holland. Bringing it back to the Hotrod-essence: 'Boys with toys' and 'Mine's bigger then yours'. Because of the non-existend automobileculture in Holland I based it around all Dutchman's most popular form of transportation: The bicycle.




The clothespin is handmade out of a chunk of aluminium from an abandoned steelguitar-project. I just copied a wooden clothespin albeit with larger measurements.




It just came to me it would be cool to photograph it while it was attached to my bullet.

Next stop: Entering the Finished thread...
Re: ** BILLET BULLET ** pics of all the finished bikes

I've been collecting pics of all the finished bikes to try and make it easy for me to vote. And ofcourse I wanted to show people what was going on in Ratrodbike-world :) I do post on other blogs you know... I guess I might as well post em up here, eventhough there's probably going to be a better and official finished bike gallery. It's pretty awesome to see what everybody's been doing the last couple of months, weeks, days, hours, etc...

Hope I didn't make any mistakes. Here goes:









This has been fun. Well done everybody!

good luck with voting...
Re: ** BILLET BULLET ** pics of all of your finished bikes here!

Cheers Rudolf for putting all those bikes together, that would make one excellent doorposter ! 8)
Re: ** BILLET BULLET ** pics of all of your finished bikes here!

deorman said:
I miss kibitzing on this build. :(

I did try to make a bracket for it, but too much kibiz on this bike will make it out of ballance...
You miss kibitzing on this build, I miss the more important votes....

:shock: :wink:

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