Black Crown Tattoo WHER R U ANSWR yur PMs!

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ifitsfreeitsforme said:
Small claims court is a good idea for anyone that it makes geographical sense.

I think anyone close enough would have already gone to pick their stuff up. Seems like he's in a small town, maybe the sherrif is friendly enough to pay him a visit if someone called and had a chat with him.
Small claims CT ain't free. Its 50 to 75 bucks to file a claim.
so if the item Yer fighting over is only that much even if ya win ya lose.
sometimes its $ sometimes its principle
A small caims claim would have to be in the court in HIS area, and you would have to physically be there along with him. Whatever the cost is, (here it is $40.) would be tacked onto the claim and he would have to pay. Problem is collecting after, if he is found responsible the whole process starts over if he does'nt pay up.
Slick Willy is on the Wall of Shame now. Most of us sent money to him back in November, but it looks like he was already working his magic on a deal with shawn57187 before then . At least he finally got his money.
kingfish254 said:
Slick Willy is on the Wall of Shame now. Most of us sent money to him back in November, but it looks like he was already working his magic on a deal with shawn57187 before then . At least he finally got his money.

Seems like the Cat is getting out of the Bag one whisker at a time. I hope as the details are revealed eventually, everything will right itself. It sounds like too many deals were being done and could not be managed with any degree of success. There is not a darn thing on here worth owning to warrant this kind of behavior. I hope any thoughts of dealing with folks like this can be avoided by this lesson. Good luck Gentlemen.
Hope this works out for all involved...

Seriously, I wonder how this could have been avoided? The seller seemed like he was on the up and up, then just up and took the money and ran.

I guess in the future, it would be wise to deal straight up. i.e. not sending money as a "gift" not exactly sure who started that one, but yeah the paypal fees really suck. Yeah its only a few %, but it really bites into your profit. There aren't too many of us here selling bikes and parts to make a living, most of us just pass on a few goodies to help sustain our bicycle budget. i.e. sell this to buy that, kinda deal.

I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will chime in, but I do know that as a buyer if I have a balance in my paypal... there isn't a fee to send money to a seller. the only time there is a fee is if you pay with a credit card. I see nothing wrong if there was a way to post something for sale and say.... balance transfer only, or if you pay with paypal via credit card... add X% to the selling price.

X = either the full amount of what it costs to receive the money, or whatever you and the buyer negotiate, maybe you split the fee 50/50 ?

One other thing... say you buy a $100 item and you only have $90 in your paypal, I believe paypal will use your balance first, then put the remainder on your credit card, but you end up paying the fee for the full amount. At least I think that's how it works, if so... wouldn't it be better to pay the seller with two transactions, first the $90 at no fee, then the $10 on the credit card with the fee. someone correct me if I'm wrong. (3% of $100 is $3, but 3% of $10 is just $.30)

Some people will say, that's just the cost of doing business, and it is... but until you've sold a bunch of stuff and paid the 3% or whatever it is that paypal skims off of every transaction... it really adds up.
He's not really in Pittsburgh Probally a hour or so up north. Reading thru the posts i feel bad for you guys. I've met Black crown a few times and he seemed a cool guy who is really into building sweet old bikes. His shop from his fb posts seems busy and I believe he even wanted to open a vintage bike shop. Seems odd that a guy with ambition like that would shoot himself in the foot. basically He's blacklisted himself now both on here and the vintage bicycle community. Has me baffled just as well? But if you do visit Pittsburgh come when the weathers nice. Ride the river trail, check out bicycle heaven. Lets get a group ride going. I'm sure the Pittsburgh guys on here would be happy to roll with you.
If you want to see a successful example of a tattoo artist/bike shop owner then check out Ichi Bike in DesMoines Iowa.

Dan Koenig shows that it can be done well without all of the nonsense.
deven_science said:
Hey folks, just wanted to let you know that Willy e-mailed me tonight, asking for my address to mail my Higgins. I may get the bike I paid for soon!

Good luck! I hope the big items like you bike get taken care of first. Maybe I'll get my rack after all.

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