cman said:Can't find his FB page anymore but Willy like Instagram.
Anybody's bike?
Voyager Al said:here's a PM I got today.
Delete messageQuote messageRe: BC's sale
Sent at: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:43 pm
From: Keebo
To: Voyager Al
Thank God i used pay pal. I recieved a full refund. I reported fraudulent and they reimbursed me no question asked..Very easy, very simple. I found out yesterday but it looks like they refunded it last week sometime if im not mistaken. Lesson to be learned. Never buy unless you use pay pal...Spread the word holmes!
ps. now i need a frame with a tank if you know of anyone
kingfish254 said:Unfortunately some of us paid with PayPal gift and refunds do not apply. We were foolish enough to trust the boy.
RatSphinx said:They don't answer the phone. They screen calls and call back who they want to. Best if we let the people affected deal with it. This subject has been beat to death.
socal_jack said:If a bunch of folks report an internet/wire fraud crime to the FBI it may get some traction
509clunk said:Well folks ive been in contact in willy about the situation he has got himself in and is trying to make things right. to my surprise last night my package that i paid for in november was there!!!! i contacted him and he is trying to get things out. i dont want to get into details about what he is going thru , just know this he feels terrible and ive given him multiple addresses of rrb members that he needs to send parts to. kingfish he mentioned to me that he was going to give you a refund via mo dont know when/if it will happen but at least he knows he owes some $$ or goods. i believe everything else he has addresses for and intends to ship
eventually/hopefully so i will keep pushing him to do the right thing as i have been