Black Crown Tattoo WHER R U ANSWR yur PMs!

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53_JET_FLOW said:
Hey guys this is willy I have been trying to use a few members as middle man to communicate! I have the address an amount of money I owe everyone witch I plan to send this weekend! I have deven outsider bunky and kingfish info please leave me up long enough on the forum to communicate with everyone to get there parts/money to them! Then delete me after I can see everyone get there stuff and post they recieved it so I can clear my name as a total skim bag! Everyone goes through stuff! I got in over my head and mad a mistake! I've sent out one thing owed to 509 clunk I'll post daily as stuff goes out! If I owe you something please on me so I can get your address I don't mind if I can ever be on the forum again I only care that everyone gets there stuff! I won't explain se long sob story of personal b.s. know one cares about! I just wanna make good and I need to be able to communicate to get adresses deven outsider kingfish and bunky I have info for! Any one else please message me with part/money owed and I'll get it out ASAP! I have everyone's stuff this was not a scam just a hard time that cost me big! Sorry guys I'll make good ASAP

Good news.
Also I went to ship outsider a frame and it was 70$ to ship it he payed 80 for the frame and shipping so I'm sending the money! Also in the case of deven bike was packed and ready to roll and if shipping a frame to Cali was 70 a whole bike in two boxes would be too much! Everyone will get there stuff! Still makes me a ...... dude for taking so long but I refuse to burn anyone! I'm not on the ball but I'm not that guy!
And thank you to 509 clunk who braver gave up on me and who has helped me get info on the people I owe! Thanks man! PLEASE DON'T DELEATE ME TILL I HAVE REFUNDED THE LAST ITEM POSSIBLE! It's hard to get everyone's info when I have no access to the forum! I want to make good with the community!!
pick said:
I am a very forgiving person, but this has gone on way too long! I too got screwed, but not as bad as some of the rest of you. I have refrained from commenting in hopes that he would eventually get his shizzle together & deliver on his promises. I donated a nice truss fork for the auction bike project. He seemed like a good guy & I thought I was helping Steve & the site out with my donation. I have pretty much written off this donation but sincerely hope that you guys get your stuff.

Good thing he is a long way from my location or he would probably be changing the name of the business to Black Eye Tattoo! :mrgreen:

Don't write it off! Just pm me your adress! I like black eye tattoo!!! I'm gonna concider changing the name!!! Can I get donations for the window lettering! :) :) :)
PM Sent on the items that you owe me. I hope life straightens out for you and once I get my stuff, I guess I will have to cancel my request to get you to tattoo a Screw on my rear.
Deven and outsiders money orders are in there way kingfish tomorrow to follow Monday bunkys frame goes out along with ifitsfreeiysforme stem and if I can get an adress for pic forks go out also! If I'm forgetting anyone please remind me!
53_JET_FLOW said:
Deven and outsiders money orders are in there way kingfish tomorrow to follow Monday bunkys frame goes out along with ifitsfreeiysforme stem and if I can get an adress for pic forks go out also! If I'm forgetting anyone please remind me!

Need an address for pick
53_JET_FLOW said:
53_JET_FLOW said:
Deven and outsiders money orders are in there way kingfish tomorrow to follow Monday bunkys frame goes out along with ifitsfreeiysforme stem and if I can get an adress for pic forks go out also! If I'm forgetting anyone please remind me!

Need an address for pick

If he doesn't chime in, I've got his address at home and can get it to you.
Willy: I am glad you are making things right with everyone. I think it will also help you in the long run. Everyone screws up once in a while, I know I have more times than I would like to admit! I know it's not an easy thing to do. I hope things get better for you & I hold no bad feelings toward you at all. BTW the Black Eye Tattoo comment was just a joke, but you can use it if ya like! :lol: :lol: I hope you have no ill feelings toward me!

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