Blue Delta light

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Oct 30, 2010
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Milford nh
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I found this in an Antique store and was wondering if anyone knows if Delta sold lights to match bike colors?The bottom is marked ''Delta Electric''with U.S. patent numbers making me think this is n.o.s. and not as new as it looks.


B607 said:
With the overspray on the bracket, I'd say someone repainted this one. Gary

I thought the light colored wood was just reflecting and causing glare from the camera flash? A different view pic would answer that. Screws and rivets don't appear to have blue paint.
I have seen early delta rocket rays color matched on a number of different bikes. I have only seen the cream colored torpedos though.
There are reproduction delta torpedos out there and the patent numbers are different than the early lights. The light shells on the repros are very similar to the OG lights but the reflector and battery tray are different. If you post a pic of the inside of the light then it may be easier to ID.
I'm guessing it's original, but I don't claim to be an expert.I think it's kind of cool if you ever are inclined to part with it.

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