BO Regulars sitting this one out and the reasons why...

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OK, I am getting serious about joining. I dug up some stuff but I can't find my MAFAC canti front brake or my Philco rear brake or Philco brake levers. I am real frustrated right now and have my heart set on using these for my single speed gravel grinder. It's been a few years since this brake stuff floated up to the top of my junk but I know I still have them somewhere. I will not join unless I find the brake stuff. My original idea was to use an old ten speed frame or my 1992 Giant mountain bike frame but I have another idea. I bought a Columbia repop tribute bike for about $150 from Sam's Club. I stripped parts from it for the 1938 CWC girls bike I am building for my daughter. She wanted it to be red and the donor had red fenders, red luggage rack, red wheels, whitewall tires, chain and handle bars. I thought why not use the left over Columbia frame? It is heavy as heck but I will not be winning any gravel grinder races anyway. I want to do it because I can and to be different. I plan to use 700c wheels with 40cm tires and 23 x 39 gearing. I will have to do some pushing as the gear inch with 700c wheels will be too high for my old legs. I want to race it in June. I don't have any drop bars so that is all I have to get, but I don't want to spend any money. Too bad I tossed out so may of these last year. I think drop bars might be comfortable on this bike with the slingshot gooseneck?

Fork, goosenecks and drum brakes. I probably won't use the drums, too expensive and time consuming to build wheels right now. I might use one of the drums hubs on my 40 DX Klunker as my manual 2 speed Bendix coaster hub died last fall. The fork will be used if I find my MAFAC canti brakes. This fork is from a quality mountain bike and I will feel more comfortable using that instead of the original Columbia repop.

New old stock Campagnolo seat post clamp

New $70, including shipping, Brooks B-17 saddle. Such a deal. Couldn't pass it up.

I can't believe my luck. The BCD of the single speed chain wheel is the same as the 10 speed chain wheel. I will remove the 40 tooth 10 speed wheel and replace it with the 39 tooth single speed wheel. I will leave the 50 tooth wheel as is and not file it off to look like a bash guard. After all it will be one of my usual maggot bikes do why bother. I have a set of old aluminum 1990s platform pedals that will be OK for gravel. If I do decide to go ahead it will have to be simple. If I run into any significant problems with it I will abandon it. It needs to be quick, ugly (probably spray flat black over it) and functional for gravel. I have an old Juncker head badge in my headbadge collection and I could use that. It could be the "Junker Juncker Klunker Monster Cross Gravel Grinder Cruiser". That might be over the top?
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With the comments about the amount of build-offs, I just want to point out that the smaller build-offs tend to be themed and if you want anything goes you still need to do the main build-off.
The exception was this last WBO with allowed anything goes along with unfinished builds.
I don't know, lookin' doubtful. I notice it usually takes me a few weeks after the B.O. starts to decide whether to enter or not. I can't complain about's always nice at my house all year round.:happy:
The biggest constraint is coming up with an idea that I feel juiced about.
the other constraints are: I have a bike business goin' that's not too shabby where I fix up what would be known here at R.R.Bikes as 'regular bikes for reg'lar' people. So I have a little backlog there.

And, I go up North to good ol' Pennsylvania, usually for the whole Month of July, sometimes help my dear old Mom around the big old homestead up there, take care of any repairs or things she wants done. Ma's gettin up there in years , not as spry as she usta' be ya see?
But..I usually doodle while replacing noodles

So, ya never know.
Of all the reasons discussed so far, @furyus has by-far the best excuse:

Makes sense to me; gotta get your BMXercise.

I don't typically enter this things b/c i never finish in time. I work a lot of hours, i'm always tired, plus i tend to start new projects before i finish the current ones... but i wish i could claim it was all b/c of BMX. :113:

Finally, after six years, I win something around here: Best Excuse for Not Entering Build-Off 12. As always, I'm humbled; some of you guys had really great excuses. Fabricated, even.

can't consider myself a BO regular , but iam sitting do to:
-too many bikes , building faster than i can get rid of them
-in process of down sizing do to moving in few months
-already on a big project
-budjet and access of interesting parts is almost none

also , not sure i liked having deadline,guidelines,or 'ratings' on what i build
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Though not a regular buildoff-type ratter, I did participate and compete in one BO, the 1st WBO15. For me, I really don't build bikes to compete, but to share my ideas, bring back cool old American cycles and to ride them as much as I can. I do enjoy watching the comps, and for sure will post my latest project shown below (Hawthorne re-do) when I secure the proper fork I need to complete the bike. Again, I do like to post in the build threads!:thumbsup::thumbsup:... skpc


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If this site and the build offs are going to grow, and thrive, I would estimate we need at least 10 - 15 % new builders every time we hold a build off. There are a few newbies in this year's summer RRB BO-12, as there were in the WBO and the MBBO, and every build off I have been in ( which is 7 in a row, and counting). Not sure we have to worry too much about the 'old guard' and why or why not they aren't involved this time around.

Retention of the new builders, and giving them enough encouragement and incentive to come back again, and again, to future build offs will perpetuate this community.

The question of why some of the regulars aren't in this BO-12 is not really a step to getting more involvement. It's just a curiosity. Everyone has their own good reason why they are able or not able to participate.

If we are really concerned about the low numbers in this summer's build off, we should think of constructive ways to expand the numbers of participants from the multitudes that "view" our builds on a regular basis.
I thought the RRBO12 was only for rat rod cruisers. I just started another musclebike restoration. There's no fabrication involved. Does that still qualify?
I thought the RRBO12 was only for rat rod cruisers. I just started another musclebike restoration. There's no fabrication involved. Does that still qualify?
The best bikes I've built didn't have any welding fabrication, or frame modification, done. I've always built what "I" would like!....Don't worry about anyone else. You're riding it, not them.
By no means am I a "BO Regular", but I have participated in my share.

This time around, I have to prioritize my efforts! I have put off building my hot rods for WAAAAAY too long, and I have promised my wife that this would change this spring/summer. So, in a sense, I AM building, just not a rat bike!

Besides, I have far too many bikes for just one person....well...ok...two people! Oh and the grandkids, that makes four. But, with what I have, I could ride a different bike every day for a month....Anyone need a bike? :rofl:
With the comments about the amount of build-offs, I just want to point out that the smaller build-offs tend to be themed and if you want anything goes you still need to do the main build-off.
The exception was this last WBO with allowed anything goes along with unfinished builds.
I like having the build-offs all year round with different themes. It means you can jump into what ever one you want to if you have time. Just because you there are build-offs doe not mean you have to enter every time.Most times I would be twiddling my thumbs or too busy working,and dont finish the build.
Keep up the good work and keep those build-offs rolling in.