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Pro Member
Aug 31, 2009
Reaction score
Historic Savannah
I thought it would be cool to make a gallery with our Build Off 15 Class 2 bikes in the order they finished.

Ties are placed in alphabetical order.

001 12. Raydarlux Space Cadet by Mr Unhinged.jpg
002 05. Cyrus the Virus by Psychographic.JPG
003 03. Beiwagenmaschine Type II by nosferatu1381.jpg
004 08. 32 Motorbike by deven_science.JPG
005 15. Scrapyard Mule by tjwilson.jpg
006 13. Rmr by mattg.jpg
007 01. Barracuda by tucker.jpg
008 10. Papa's ride by Brian macumber.jpg
009 16. Sketchy by GuitarlCarl.jpg
010 02. BEATNIK BOMBITA - Ed 'Big Daddy' Roth Tribute build - Phase 1 Finished! by WayOutWheels.jpg
011 18. XLR8 by SSG.jpg
012 06. Free For All by Skydreamer.jpg
012 07. Messed up kid by Ben lay.jpg
014 04. Bride of FrankenBike by el Diablo Guapo.jpg
015 17. The Urban Insult Bicycle by karl.jpg
016 09. oHIo LOWrider - Finished by The_Village_Idiot.JPG
016 11. Project 346 Good Old Days Cruiser - Finished or is it by Starnger.JPG
016 14. RPM1 by Ron Perry.jpg
I put this on the end of my thread , but i think more folks will see it here and it bears repeating ...

Spose I had better say something, I've been wanting to say something , just I don't know what something to say .
Im a guy in a garden shed in Slough UK ( anyone who isn't familiar with Slough ...and I can't blame you , If you say you are from Slough, folks tend to hide valuables and back away slowly)
I've been messing about with bikes since I was a kid , I've been cutting them up a while too but this things been a whole nother level to build .
This has been in my uncomfortable zone ( not a mistake, it's certainly beyond my comfort zone ) there has been times when I thought what the heck am I doing , then I settled down, admitted to myself , I genuinely had no idea what I was doing. If I didn't know what I was doing , then just by doing something progress was happening . With this sort of reasoning there was no way I could fail :)
I would like to say thanks to everyone who voted , hit like on my posts , put up inspiring build threads, offered ideas , advice , cheered me on, and didn't laugh too much at this limey idiot making it up as he went along .
Massive props to the guys that organise this , collate stuff , and indeed Mr Rat Rod himself for putting all this on . Congratulations to everyone that placed/ entered a bike / started a bike you are all winners
Peace and love
Thank you