I put this on the end of my thread , but i think more folks will see it here and it bears repeating ...
Spose I had better say something, I've been wanting to say something , just I don't know what something to say .
Im a guy in a garden shed in Slough UK ( anyone who isn't familiar with Slough ...and I can't blame you , If you say you are from Slough, folks tend to hide valuables and back away slowly)
I've been messing about with bikes since I was a kid , I've been cutting them up a while too but this things been a whole nother level to build .
This has been in my uncomfortable zone ( not a mistake, it's certainly beyond my comfort zone ) there has been times when I thought what the heck am I doing , then I settled down, admitted to myself , I genuinely had no idea what I was doing. If I didn't know what I was doing , then just by doing something progress was happening . With this sort of reasoning there was no way I could fail

I would like to say thanks to everyone who voted , hit like on my posts , put up inspiring build threads, offered ideas , advice , cheered me on, and didn't laugh too much at this limey idiot making it up as he went along .
Massive props to the guys that organise this , collate stuff , and indeed Mr Rat Rod himself for putting all this on . Congratulations to everyone that placed/ entered a bike / started a bike you are all winners
Peace and love
Thank you