SWB0 Boone-Doggle

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We beat the rain and got the bike out into the wild!

Seriously! I clocked myself a half-mile of 28-32 mph and rounded a corner to see Bambi crossing the path. btw... the brakes work! :grin:

I can't sustain that speed (yet) but between the light frame, skinny high-pressure tires, and a good drive train this bike is FAST!

... To The Pics! --->





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Everything turned out really nice here! I only wish that the grips were a different color. Not trying to be critical, just my observation.

Other than perfectly matching the seat leather, I would probably think about black just to take the eyes away from noticing it. Again, you did an outstanding job on this bike! Enjoy!
Thanks @The Renaissance Man, from you the praise is appreciated. And critique. I just imagine the grips are like a carpet, tying the room together. Or art’s rule of threes, except there are two tires, so fours. Or it balances it all out optically. Or like, that’s just my opinion, man, and that’s the fun of this whole thing.
@The Renaissance Man No, I didn't take issue, I was just trying to be punny about The Big Lewbowski and opinions and how we all have different tastes and such. i.e. some like rust, some like shiny, some like both depending on the build.

<edit> also, I thought you were saying black grips or something, a stylistic choice, which is where my "opinion" statement came in. No hard feelings at all.

But, no they are not quite the same brown. It's so hard to match. I'll try to sweat a lot (through my hands) to darken them up, while sweating less where it would darken the seat. :happy:
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Oooh, I'll be curious what you think of the cues stuff.
Well, it WAS working well…


… but yesterday this bolt hole just broke. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I was riding on the street, not particularly hard. I’m not sure what to call it exactly. It’s not the H/L limits. It adjusts the position of the drailleur and without it in place the jockey wheel contacts the cluster.

Less than 100 miles on it. I’ll see about any warranty, but it’s a catastrophic failure for the part. I was able to continue home, noisily
Seems like it’s the B pivot adjuster, maybe. Some documentation online talks about using it to adjust the jockey wheel to 10mm from the cluster. Maybe I had it wrong? Maybe just bad luck.

Looking at the part the metal grain structure is very coarse. Reminds me of what my dad used to call “pot metal.” Cast, I assume.

Other places online say the -6000 series is made in Indonesia while the -8000 series is made in Japan, and of higher quality. Only $15 more, so I can’t imagine a tremendous jump.

Easy enough fix for a small margin.

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