ok, corney name, but i've not enough imagination, and this bike will specifically be a boardwalk cruiser, so... i bought this columbia middleweight frame from a board member a few months ago and have been collecting parts for it since.
object is to build a lightweight bike that will handle well in traffic, yet move along on the open road. just started fitting it together, after searching online for a hub washer with limited success, i tryed the lbs, the sales girl put a mechanic on the phone - "yeah we've got those". so i rode on down to bicycle discovery, coincidently just off the board walk, and ask for a mechanic ( they've got several ) and happen to get the guy i talked to. "here ya go, how much? how about a buck?" great bike shop - service, inventory, prices if you're ever in pacific beach, san diego. we're pretty slow @ work, so i should make some good progress.
object is to build a lightweight bike that will handle well in traffic, yet move along on the open road. just started fitting it together, after searching online for a hub washer with limited success, i tryed the lbs, the sales girl put a mechanic on the phone - "yeah we've got those". so i rode on down to bicycle discovery, coincidently just off the board walk, and ask for a mechanic ( they've got several ) and happen to get the guy i talked to. "here ya go, how much? how about a buck?" great bike shop - service, inventory, prices if you're ever in pacific beach, san diego. we're pretty slow @ work, so i should make some good progress.