Bought a new bike

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May 11, 2010
Reaction score
Tulsa, Ok
Rating - 100%
1   0   0
Ok so I'm suppose to be selling some of my bikes to make more room since the baby is coming, but I came across a good deal I couldn't pass up. I was thinking about making a Klunker/commuter bike but I scratched that idea when I found this:
KHS Cruiser 7 Nexus internal 7 speed w/ internal rear brake. Dia-Compe brakes, very light weight, great riding bike. Seller was asking $150 I got it for $75 I think I got a great price!




Plus it came with a trek tool bag and inside it was a Schwinn tire gauge

Now I don't know much about KHS brand does anybody have any knowledge or info on it?
The bike looks very well made.
i know the khs road and bmx racing lines are pretty well respected from the reviews you see on them, there's a distributor about 120 miles from me but honestly not many of there bikes around these parts that i notice.

$75 for a 7 speed nexus ... can't complain about that :D
Had you only purchased the back wheel you would've gotten a great price, but you got a bike with it!

I've got one of those tires at my parent's house, always loved the look of it but never put it on anything. Mine is pretty dry now.