***BRIGHTLINER*** Update 10,0 - Virginia Beach Appearance!!!

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Re: ***BRIGHTLINER*** Update #1.1

Awesome! Love the flightliner & spaceliner chrome frames. Lookin good!
Re: ***BRIGHTLINER*** Update #1.1

@Justin, it's off of a '51 Chrysler. BTW....It would have to be an industrial-strength Christmas tree....the thing is over a foot long!! :shock:

Thanks, Pick! I applied a little more elbow grease to the frame last night....still a bunch to do. It will probably take the rest of the month just to get the frame the way I want it. It's still going to be a rat of sorts....I've decided to not re-chrome anything, at least not at this point. The original chrome has some major scars from its previous life, and they will remain! I call it "character"!

I will be adding a splash of period-correct color (not production-correct). Let's just say it will go with the given name......***Brightliner***!

Stay tuned...............
Re: ***BRIGHTLINER*** Update #1.2


Here's what 10 minutes with paint stripper, rinse, steel wool and PB Blaster will do!!!


Pulled my alloy rims out from under the house....gotta get them to shine like new money! THAT will take a while!
Re: ***BRIGHTLINER*** Update #1.2.1

I know, I know.....

"Where've you been?!?!?!"

LIFE! That's where! That and My first passion (after my faith and my family, so I guess it's my third passion) reached out and grebbed me by the throat! Hot rods!!!! I had the chance and took it.....I'm now the proud owner of a 1930 Ford Model A tudor sedan! I've been tied up with running back and forth getting things squared away. It's still not home, but it will be come 6/2!

Anyway...back to the ***Brightliner***......

Picked up some stepped drill bits for my secret treatment! I also had my hood ornament delivered to the car show this past weekend! Gotta get it cleaned up. Still have a little more polishing to do on the frame and stripping paint on the rear rack.

More progress soon......I promise!
Re: ***BRIGHTLINER*** Update #1.2

Welcome to the family, Tudor!


And I'm a foster parent for the 32 Chevrolet to the left (my right)! Anyone want to adopt her?
Re: ***BRIGHTLINER*** Update #1.2

Not as much as you may think. All the exterior appearance will remain. The only changes (at least for now) will be mechanical upgrades underneath. It will be an ongoing project.....I promised my wife I'd get the 46 Chevy PU running before I messed with this one. I just had to snatch it while I had the chance.
Re: ***BRIGHTLINER*** Update #1.2.1

Thanks PB! That was my first real bike project, other that repainting an old '91 Diamondback Ascent that someone had left behind at a beach rental.

I had a blast doing it and learned a ton from the whole process! Every bike I do, I get a little more experience, but the learning curve was really steep on this one!
Re: ***BRIGHTLINER*** Update #1.2.1

Yeah, the headbadge is what did it for me, too! The ***Brightliner*** won't be quite this nice....just a little more character!

Trying to clean out the truck after a weekend of hot rod shenanigans, I trial-fitted the hood ornament in the "tank space"....It will take a little work to get it right, BUT the curve fits the mid-bars curve PERFECTLY! I'm really stoked now! After the holiday weekend, I'm on it like ants on jelly!
Re: ***BRIGHTLINER*** Update #1.2.1

brett4christ said:
After the holiday weekend, I'm on it like ants on jelly!

Glad to see someone else *won't* be working on their bike this long weekend. I've got everything lined up but time... and skills... and good taste... you know what, nevermind. :D
Re: ***BRIGHTLINER*** Update #1.2.1

I love working on bikes just as muck as the rest of you...well most of you...but we're headed to the coast (probably won't even get sand between my toes) to see the wife's family. They're a hoot (not really, people from Boston can't be hoots....that's reserved for us living south of the M/D and north of FLA :shock: ) and we get together once a year! I'll laugh more in three days than I will the month of June!

Then, I'm back at it on Tuesday!

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