Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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"The Brightest Spark". Someone that deserves a nice cool beverage because they did something especially clever and inventive on their build... a champion of ingenuity.


I have decided that I will choose the winner of this myself, so there will be no voting on it.

I will look at the bikes and see which one I think is the most inventive overall.

Might take me a while :?
In the absence of any 3rd place prizes, I'm offering up (for each category) a full size poster suitable for framing that will include a photo of the third place bike along with the RRB logo, bike name and build off 8 - 2013 graphics.

Standard poster sizes are 24x36 or 18x24. The winners can choose which size that they would prefer.

Obviously I don't have a picture of the prizes to post here, so just post this:

yoothgeye said:
ifitsfreeitsforme said:
Come on folks, help me choose a category/placing to award my grips to.

Most nostalgic bike. (based on the nostalgic look of those grips)

while RM and Deven cracked me up with their suggestions, I am going to use Justin's idea.

So my Thompson grips will be awarded to the bike I think has The Most Nostalgic Look.

thanks yout
Since there is no prize for the Klunker category winner, I'll throw this up.

Winner of the Klunker sub-category build/photo competition will receive a set of brand new Moose Racing Moto Bars. Best I can recall they are red (they've been in my attic for years)

The Renaissance Man said:
In the absence of any 3rd place prizes, I'm offering up (for each category) a full size poster suitable for framing that will include a photo of the third place bike along with the RRB logo, bike name and build off 8 - 2013 graphics.

Standard poster sizes are 24x36 or 18x24. The winners can choose which size that they would prefer.

Obviously I don't have a picture of the prizes to post here, so just post this:


Sweet! Perfect for that MAN CAVE!
WOW. . . That's AWESOME !!! It is SOOOO Tough to VOTE, hahah... "ALL" the BIKES look
SOOO KOOL !!! How long do we have to vote on the bikes ??? I already looked at all of them a few
times & it's tough to get it narrowed down to 3, I'm going to check them all out again, hahah....
My head is still spinning ! Great Job on "ALL" who participated !!!
kingfish254 said:
Voting usually runs for 7 days.

THANK-YOU "KINGFISH". . . I also wanted to say "THANK-YOU" on the comments on the "ROVING GANGSTER",
I couldn't reply to ya because the pages were Locked down. . . I appreciate it & your "BIKE" looks AWESOME !!!

I'll talk to you soon.... I have to go and look at the "BIKES" again, hahah.... It's tough to vote, they "ALL"
look so "KOOL" :D
So Momma Jats and I both agreed that battered and beaten by kram fit the rustiest award, cool bike and great build!!!!!!

PM'd you Kram

Troy and Laurie
I have made my decision on who to award a pair of my Thompson Bottle Grips to. It was not easy. Per Justin's suggestion, I decided to go with the Most Nostalgic Looking Bike.

That bike to me is....

(drum roll)

Simplistic Speed.

Wonder Rat was a close runner-up, but ultimately the vintage lights on Simplistic won me over. The bike has a whimsical nostalgic feel to me - very beautiful.

so congrats Machine Age Victim. I'll PM you now for your mailing address.

I looked through the builds to award the red Savannah Bicycle Campaign Bell for the Best Use of Red in a Build. I should have picked an easier category.
I narrowed it down to Lady Jivarro, 3 Star Delusion, Ducycle, Batliner, and My Fair Lady. Lady Jivarro and My Fair Lady had some amazing red paint jobs. 3 Star Delusion had a super match of new red and old. Batliner had some cool red batty accents.
But in the end I had to give it up to DUCYCLE by MONARKofSoCal for "painting" his bike with red duct tape. Hats off to you on a super creative idea.
jats said:
kingfish254 said:
Jats and Ian, I updated the PRIZE POT GALLERY with your winners!
Great choices!
Thanks B!!! and thanks for the work that you have done to help make the prizes happen!!!!!!!

That wasn't work, that was fun!!! I think we have been successful again this year in pulling together a cool group of prizes with some fun categories.
The real thanks needs to go to all that have pledged prizes so far.
It's still not to late for anyone to pledge more prizes!!!
Here's an image for the list of prizes. I used one of my bikes as a stand in model. :wink:
As stated before, this will go to each 3rd place winner.

The final poster layouts will vary from this image depending on the photos.
