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May 24, 2008
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Whats a contest without rules?
Rules define the parameters under which we compete.
Rules make a competition fair and credible.
When you win following the rules, you and your competition can be confident of a fair judgement.
When a contestant winner is chosen without consideration of all of the contest rules, you have an invalid contest.


5. Must include before, progress, and after photos (all in one thread please)

Under the rules, to be elligible to win, you must follow all the rules of the contest including rule number 5.
I urge all of the BIKER BUILD OFF contestants to include these necessary photos so that we may have a largely contested and fair BIKER BUILD OFF 3.

Thanks for reading and good luck to all the contestants!
there's also an "unwritten" rule about posting an intro first :p

It's all for fun, and I am sure that no one is going to force you to prove that you built it in the time allotted. Also the "keep it cheap" rule... is someone going to look at our receipts? And cheap for some is expensive for others, it's all relative.

Just have fun with it! :D
The rules for the Build Off are real similar to those of our Demo-derby, kinda spooky. There are 10 rules for the buildoff and 30+ rules for the derby. I know guys that start on cars for next year the day after the derby and others who seem unbeatable and rumors fly of cheating, but what's funny is these guy's all say the same thing; you follow the rules and everything else is open. One family has everyone gripping about how they run small blocks that cost in excess of $3000, I've heard them pull in the tent's for inspection and they sound like drag cars, rhrrap--rhrrap--rhrrap. The rules are interpereted differently from builder to builder. So I don't always agree with the things other's do with they're projects, but where would we be without pushing the envelope? This went on tooooo long, sorry 'bout that.
My view is that everyone played fair in this one and all of them deserve your vote. I don't see why we should even have this discussion. There is another rule that doesn't require to be written since it is so important: Have fun and enjoy yourself here. Life is too serious these days the forget that one.
It's up to you the voter to apply the rules. If you think a bike didn't play by the rules then don't vote for it. Hopefully all voters do the same.
Some enter to WIN.........Some enter to have FUN.....Some enter just to PARTICIPATE..........If you entered just to WIN, the odds are you are going to be very DISAPPOINTED! ......If you entered to have FUN, the odds are more in your favor (not always :lol: ) ..........If you entered just to participate, the odds are 100% in your favor.....YOU DECIDE!...Personally I like odds 100% in my favor! :D

aka_locojoe is right!.....If you don't think someone followed the RULES, don't vote for them.
Build off rules will apply...but as others have's all just for fun.

If folks start getting all torqued up over this stuff we'll just stop having's not worth the hassle and grief.

I think the next build off rules will either be "no rules" or "no cutting and welding period."

The interpretations for this stuff gets complicated and everyone has an opinion on what is allowed and what isn't.

The whole reason we started these build offs was to have fun, build cool bikes and draw interest to the forum...period.

If it ends up being about trophies and pride issues then it needs to end.

Oh...and don't forget...every day's a build off on this forum. :wink:
Rat Rod said:
If it ends up being about trophies and pride issues then it needs to end.

Oh...and don't forget...every day's a build off on this forum. :wink:

ive got no illusions that ill come anywhere near the top but it doesnt matter! i had fun building with everyone here and seeing everyones bikes come together so in my eyes im already a winner(along with everyone else :wink: )AND i got to build the bike id been dreaming about building for the past year :mrgreen:
now go take em out and ride em!!
i second the go out and ride em thing. sensor and i have had our rigs out for a few rides already and i took her out yesterday on a good 15 mile jaunt. they are ment to getthe "carp" ridden out of them right? and aye aye as well.
good call guys, ride em like you just spent 3 months putting them together :p I think I am going to ride DevilWing to work tomorrow. Can't wait to see the look on the faces of the security guards at the main gate :)
AYE! I entered this with the inent to participate. And participate I did. I had a blast. I have a bike that, whether it wins or not, I love riding it and it gets compliments all around town. I didn't build it to win, or even to impress anyone. I even broke my own rule of not buying anything ither thatn the frame for it(I bought my springer fork) but rules were made to be broken. Or at least pushed a little. how else could we get awesome new ideas?
And I would hate to see the buildoff disappear...
i think it was smokey yunick that said that whole "rules are ment to be broken" line and that is true. i even got caught up in it and now i am sorry for it. i guess it all came down to i did not push the rules as far as i could have lol. but we all should be proud all of them are to the rules atleast i think so well..... there is one but he already knows it is and is not hidding the fact mr diver :D but that was his idea of the rules and he built what he wanted which in its own way should be applauded. i kinda dig the idea of changing the rules next year and make it so that no frame mods can be done at all leave all brackets, no cutting and even no welding too the frame. if it cant be clamped, bolted, or screwed to the frame it is no good. although i still like my idea of the two classes do an outlaw, and traditional rat rod class. but we did what we did and it was quite a trip :mrgreen:
Somewhere it seems the point is being missed......after all they are just bicycles .Whatever is done or built is just to have a good time and express your creativity....nothing more nothing less.The winning is having someone else think your creativity was too cool. In the end, your own self appreciation of what you have acomplished with two wheels and a couple peices of metal should overshadow the need to win anything. We are all brothers in search of the same goal......THE PERFECT RAT!!!!
I'm just waiting for a little cooler weather as its just plain to hot to ride and I keep ripping the cable off the linkage for the shifter on Sally but there will always be bugs till I get time to play and straighten her out but all in all its been fun.
I feel kinda bad because I think I inadvertently caused most of the grief in this most recent build off. my main issue was that the rules clearly lead me to believe that we were to build something ratty. folks get really hot when I pointed that the shiny ones were getting the votes. I also feel that people took me too seriously. I liked building my bike and enjoyed the rest of the builders and thought the bikes were really awesome. in future builds you might consider a disclaimer for idiots like me to the effect that this build off will encompass all bike styles and not only Rat Rods, or perhaps a definition of what the site owner considers a Rat Rod.

this is what I learned from the build off:
Rat Rod

Not Rat Rod

Rat Rod

Not Rat Rod

Rat Rod

Not Rat Rod

Please don't get all out of shape about this post it won't bother me very much, and it's all in good fun anyway
Scott 8)

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