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Oct 4, 2009
Reaction score
NorCal, SF Bay
Rating - 0%
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Did I spell impress right? Lol

I'm new to this forum, but Not to bicycles. I am a memeber of http://www.thecabe.com and http://www.motorbicycling.com under the same screen name.

If you are on mb.com, you'd know I'm a mere 11 years of living (lol).
So I've gathers together my budget and I want to know: what do you think would be a cool/ head turning/ friggin' awsome bike?

please reply

hit the gallery. i don't think theres a single bike in there that wouldn't turn a head or too. and of course, theres those that will make your jaw drop.

an easy way to turn heads and make new friends. build a burritto! theres something strangely friendly about burrittos. everybody wants to meet (not eat) em. :D
You're 11 years old?

........then my advice to you is to build a bicycle that turns into a robot. :D

O.K., that was kind of a joke....but maybe not really a joke as in the end, that would be pretty darned awesome. I don't think anyone could argue that it would be awesome.

Matter of fact, the more I think about it, the awesomer I think the idea is. Why not build a bike that transforms into something else? For us old fat guys, we could build a bike that transforms into a lawnchair. :lol:

I'd like to build a bike that would be like a large scale transformer. Anybody got any pics of something like that? :mrgreen:
SIMPLE always looks better in my opinon, but i can stare at chrome,stretched/lowered frames, fat tires, bells and whistles, fancy forks, fancy paint, etc ... and drool just the same.

id just try and build the bike you want to ride. what impresses you ? (did i spell impresses right :?: :lol: )
CCR said:
id just try and build the bike you want to ride. what impresses you ? (did i spell impresses right :?: :lol: )

That's probably the best advice ever.

Don't worry about something fitting into what is cool. Define what is cool for yourself.

I've been drooling over this pic that I found on this site:


Why? To me this bike says one thing: FUN. It's not trying to fit into any category or any financial bracket. It's just cool. I plan on building something similar in the future when I get a big enough pile of extra parts.

I still think a transformer bike would be cool too. :wink:
This bike is really awesome too.
I found this pic on here as well.

It and the bike above are the two that have really made an impression on me lately. I don't even really know exactly why other than they just inspire me. That's what it's about isn't it? Get that gut feeling and start cutting and welding. :wink:
