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OK ladies and gentlemen I have pictures of the bike with the drive train but got a problem, belt tensioner
You could try to make a belt-tensioner out of a skateboardwheel. If you know someone with a lath,he could machine a groove in it. That's what I did with my chain-tensioner. Dunno if it works for a beltdrive.
thank you someone understands my problem i tried to use a roller skate truck and wheel but it failed miserably, i need another way to put tension on the belt without destroying it.
All right everyone, here's the updated pictures of the bike, the drive train, the mock up:
, the final jack shaft build,
Why don't you use a small pully (like the one in the front) and screw it onto a grooved plate (which is welded to the frame) and thus make it adjustable in height?
Or buy a shorter belt, if that is an option.
OK I got a shorter belt. I started my engine and I blew the chain off the Jack shaft, engine torque Is insane. But does anyone know another idea for a throttle cable like twine, leather or something
What kind of engine was it again? Lawnmower? Not sure about how this works (clutch-wise). If you can't figure it out, a cheap moped engine could be an option. They've got a built-in automatic clutch. If you get it all up 'n' runnin' , don't forget the insurance (if possible) or you might get into trouble with the fuzz (at least we do on this side of the pond). :mrgreen:
jj256 said:
I gotcha big dog, the engine is 212cc predator single cylinder OHV with 7 hp
you know its kinda funny.. cause them 'CARB'... CA Sacramento politician-Idiots deiced it would be a swell ideal to ban the sales of bicycle motor kits.. 49cc-66-80cc two stroke motor kits from being sold in CA.. and very few people try to sale kits to Cali now.. freakin Jerks.. now there are sites that either have found a loop hole or are selling kits to CAli unlawfully or some how are past the strict BS SmogII 2x or whatever standards on emissions.. Your Stupid Prius has worse smog then the poor little 2 stroke motor..
if its like why Jet Skis are banned in a local lake its because people were annoyed with the noise.. :roll: which oh noo.. what ever will i do?
have to spend over a grand on an inefficient Electric bike kit which uses more resources from 'coal' burning to generate the electric power to charge that said electric bike or what??

there is one place 'motovelo' honestly i dont like these people they wanna sell me a kit for $242, that sells anywhere else for $140.. like $242 if you want the motor alone! WTF?? :x

What could i Possibly do?..
also LOUDER and FASTER more Powerful, Dangerous and Funner.. Cheap to maintane and operate..
gee, it would be soo perfect if only it could fit in my Stingray frame like the 66-80 would..

it seems empety without a motor in it.. thanks alot CA Idealist..

why dont we just destroy all Toyata Prius cars and give them Bikes.. 0mpg and never run outta fuel and most importantly 0 Smug Emissions! :lol:
JohThomas Sorrels said:
iven said:
"We cannot ship any 2-stroke Bicycle Motors or Bike Engine Kits to California due to CARB regulations." :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

i just want this..

Just have it shipped to someone out of CA who will then send it to you.

Are Cali folks forbidden from using these as well? Are there fines, Jail time? Oops, looks like we're hijacking this young mans thread. My apologies, I just feel compelled to ask.