Super cool bike!The new derailleur was incredibly cheap, so cheap I was going to just make it a one speed on the 16 tooth cog. Then I remembered an old Suntour derailleur with worn pulleys in my junkpile and cleaned it up. It isn't perfect but it works. If I find the right pulleys for it then it will be permanent.
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Now just the brakes and an inner tube. I'll test ride this this week.
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Looks real steep to me.The bike did very well on it's maiden voyage. It didn't get the lowest gear again but 2nd was low enough. It needs more braking too. It's just the right size to ride around the neighborhood.
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The seat post has plenty of height adjustment.
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The hard part is the walk uphill back to the house. It's steeper than it looks.
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It'll be complete when I get the front rack on it. And the extra brake.