I know I dont have a photo but I am not able to list one rght now. I am working on it. I know if you have a California Black plate on your classic car in California it is the in thing. These are Vintage NOS/deadstock etc. These would look killer on your vintage cruiser or pedal car?. I went through 100's and not one Jason!! Here is what I have. The will be up on the for sale as soon a I can post a photo. PM until then.
Anita Art Barry Ben Beth Brent Bruce Cal Casey Craig Cynthia Dana Dane Darleen Darryl Del Dolly Doreen Dot Duane Earl Edna Ellie Ethel Eve Fay Gail Gayle Gill Ginny Gladys Gwen Harold Harriet Hazel Irene Janet Janis Jean Jeanie Jeanne Joy Judith Julia June Karl Kate Kathe Kay Kevin Kirk Kitty Kurt Len Leslie Lillian Lloyd Len Lousie Lucy Lyle Lynn Maggie Margo Marjorie Marleen Marsha Marty Meg Mealanie Mickey Mildred Mitch Nan Natalie Neal Neil Nick Nora Norm Pam Peggy Phyllis Rex Rick Robin Roger Ross Russ Ruth Sally Sarah Shirley Stan Stuart Terry Tim Val Van Vern Vince Virgin Wally Wanda Warren.
These little plates are sturdy metal 4 inches by 2 inches with a hole in each corner. Some of the plates are blue and some are black. The names are raised/embosses/stamped and painted yellow.
Anita Art Barry Ben Beth Brent Bruce Cal Casey Craig Cynthia Dana Dane Darleen Darryl Del Dolly Doreen Dot Duane Earl Edna Ellie Ethel Eve Fay Gail Gayle Gill Ginny Gladys Gwen Harold Harriet Hazel Irene Janet Janis Jean Jeanie Jeanne Joy Judith Julia June Karl Kate Kathe Kay Kevin Kirk Kitty Kurt Len Leslie Lillian Lloyd Len Lousie Lucy Lyle Lynn Maggie Margo Marjorie Marleen Marsha Marty Meg Mealanie Mickey Mildred Mitch Nan Natalie Neal Neil Nick Nora Norm Pam Peggy Phyllis Rex Rick Robin Roger Ross Russ Ruth Sally Sarah Shirley Stan Stuart Terry Tim Val Van Vern Vince Virgin Wally Wanda Warren.
These little plates are sturdy metal 4 inches by 2 inches with a hole in each corner. Some of the plates are blue and some are black. The names are raised/embosses/stamped and painted yellow.