calling all volkswagen beetle owners

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Nov 28, 2007
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Gainesville, Florida
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hey there, i know this is a bike forum but i also know quite a few of you own beetles or used to.

anyways i have this dilemma with mine, i just started working on it and i thought i would accessorize a little bit and bought some of those metal headlight visors for them off of jc whitney...

...anyways i got the part and im pretty confused as to how they mount, it didnt come with mounting hardware so i would think this would be pretty easy but i cant seem to figure it out.

does anyone know what i'm talking about ?? :p
Ive got a '72 beetle and had them on. With my ones, the lip on the chrome visor/eyebrow sits between the headlight lense and the chrome lense surround. To take the chrome surround off you needed to unscrew the big screw in the middle of the top of the headlight. I found the fit was decidely average, but I think it would be a lot better if you ground some room/clearance so the visor couls fit in there more snug :wink: :D
the pat with the shells hitting the hood is amazing i rewound it for that part i love it. makes me want to get my 67 bug going again.
i got the volkswagen disease at an early age, i finally got my own bug when i was 14, a 72 superbeetle, later down the line i picked up a 71 super and a 73 std. then i got my head on straight and got myself what i was told a 64, was really a 65, i spent 5 years on that car and got it restored somewhat, then i took it apart for my oval............................


during this build i also picked up a previous rolled over 58 bug, and my 58 kombi, 58 kombi is my next big project
here's the old 58 "THE ABOMINATION" this thing was an abomination, it was rolled over in the 60s or 70's, the car had rotted out floors that i sort of replaced, i painted the pans gold, along with the drums and beam just because i asked several people what would be the worst color to see painted, most people said gold, so gold it was. i slammed the car to the ground, narrowed the beam 6" and hardly drove it, that car never liked me, it ran great for my friends, but every time i drove it, .... happenned. ANYWAYS, after having alittle wheel mishap, i decided to part the car out and junked it, when i was taking it apart i realized that the frame was extremely tweaked, it was only really worth the parts i had into it.

here's my bus that i got along with the bug deal, the deal with these two cars was if i take one i have to take both, i later found out that my bus is the 3rd oldest bucketseat kombi known

now for my pride and joy, my 57 oval
i found this club via word of mouth from my co-worker at our company christmas party, i was told that there was a palm tree growing through it in front of his brothers house but its still really nice and he wants 3500 for it. well me and my dad (we both work for the same company) decided to go check it out just for ....., see how toasted this thing was, well when we rolled up on it, it was totally cherry! the palmtree was like a little type one that you see inside houses and it was only covering the front wheel and it didn't go through the body at all. i got it home, buffed it, replaced the rotted otu battery tray, got it running, and yes, narrowed the beam and slammed it to the ground

here's how the car looked when i first bought it


here it is now, beams 5" shorter and it sits 2 splines lower in the rear


i also had the striper, i don't know if anyone has heard of her, but she goes to alot of car shows, her name is kandystripes, well yeah, she did the pinstriping on it. as it was being done-

ive owned my fair share of vw's. here they are

1961 ragtop. i bought this car as a painted shell and put it together for my sister. i gave it to her for her 14th birthday present.

1962 singlecab. i had alot of work into this one. 4 wheel disc brakes, irs conversion, type 3 transaxel 4 inch narrowed beam. ran like a dream and drove it everywhere



after someone decided they liked it and had to have it



my 74 bug that iv owned since i was 12. plans are for a subaru conversion lobster claws (911 brakes) and an eyeball engineering a-arm conversion


rolling 911 turbo twists


group shot
AAAH Kelly Park, San Jose. Right now I have a 56 Vert (unrestored), a euro 58 Ragtop (original paint) a 64 Vert (original paint) and a 67 sunroof bug, I'm the 2nd owner of that one. It's 2110cc powered now. Also have a 59 356 Porsche (original paint). I think I have 3 or 4 fiberglass buggies too. Dean (ps) I've owned all these cars for over 25 years

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