can't afford moon discs Soooo.....

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I FORGOT to mention the rim i made the discs for is a 24" rim, I haven't found lids big enough to fit 26" rims. But imagine discs on 24" rim w/3" a tire?? :idea: :shock: :mrgreen:
I just can't get used to the fact that a lot of Americans like to ride on childrens bikes...
:mrgreen: :wink: :p

But maybe these will also fit the modern 'deep dished' or V-shaped MTB rims you see more and more on low-end 26" bikes nowadays. Anyway, I'll be on the lookout for something similar you came up with: Cheap, big, round, slightly domed, and made out of metal...
outsider13 said:
Here is another pic of still shiney disc on rim.

The shineyness really shows the wrinkles.

It looks like a giant sized Jiffy Pop! :D
How about grabbing some metal saucer snow sleds? This one is steel and already painted red. Plastic would be a lighter option. They are 26" total so could be cut down to fit inside 26" hoops.

Just a thought for smoothness! But I love the trash can lids! Plus these sleds are really expensive, but I'd bet there are cheaper options out there. I feel like they made aluminum ones when I was a kid?

The idea of a trashcanlid on a ratrod is perfect, but indeed: How cool would those smooth sled-discs be on a bike...
I can't imagine such a thing being expensive but then again I have not seen them over here in Holland... Also, reaching summertemperatures I don't think there are any snow-related toys in the stores anymore... Holland will reach the 77 degrees tomorrow! (and that's a good thing...)
You say, the're metal? Aluminum??? Man, that would be just perfect... Just sand off the paint while spinning the disc: Instant Mooncovers...

edit: Did a quick search. Snow-sleds ARE expensive. Toys are expensive... Kinda makes me glad I don't have any kids, yet... :wink:
Each time I am at the salvage yard I look for things to turn into wheel covers. I have a galvanized trashcan here at home and the lid fits a 26" perfect. The only problem is that the trashcan came with the house when I bought it 7 yrs ago and I can't find another can or lid like this one anywhere. Not in hardware stores or anywhere else
Problem is, you need 4 similar discs. Or at least 2... Cymbals are usually not cheap and tend to crack when used 'wrong'.
Any drummers out there who can verify?
herr_rudolf said:
Problem is, you need 4 similar discs. Or at least 2... Cymbals are usually not cheap and tend to crack when used 'wrong'.
Any drummers out there who can verify?

Not a drummer, but I was in the band (not *a* band, the band) and yes they are pricey and yes, they crack, but if found cheap, it would be worth a shot. The one's I saw at the antique place woud probably have been cheap, but would only have fit maybe a 20" wheel at largest, probably not even that size.

The set they use to march with were pretty large and I saw them dropped before and once during a big cymbal crash the girl inverted one, but the band directed popped it back. They would look sweet, especially polished.
yoothgeye said:
...They would look sweet, especially polished.

No doubt about that!
I'd really like to see someone trying..
...but I think I won't have the guts to cut one to the right size if I'd get my hands on four identical cymbals at a thriftstore or fleamarket...
How about some of these

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