Chopper Style (fat rear tire)

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Hehehe... I was just reading some of my previous posts from this page... did I say a couple of days to mock and weld (pertaining to the muscle bike buildoff :) that is too funny, I will be chuckling about that for days I am sure! Lots of egg on my face here :D.
After some drizzle this morning, the temps went up, the sun came out and after doing as much work as I could on the muscle buildoff bike, I rushed to get some paint on the back rim. A couple of runs, and not what I prefer, but somewhere down the road this guy is going to get rebuilt. I just want to move forward with my projects right now.


Thanks Luke. I should probably wait a couple of days before I lace it up... but I am getting antsy to get her treaded up and on the bike...
I could work on some dropouts and finish the forks...

Thanks for stopping by!

[edit] Plasma cutter budget has been eaten up by the other build... bummer I have been wanting one of those for a couple of years now, will need to find some work to justify the expense :D

I agree, plasma cutters are cool! Amazing what you can do with an angle grinder plenty of discs and lots of patience though... Oh, and a round file...

Looking forward to seeing it all done Rich, it is looking amazing!

LukeTheJoker said:
I agree, plasma cutters are cool! Amazing what you can do with an angle grinder plenty of discs and lots of patience though... Oh, and a round file...

Looking forward to seeing it all done Rich, it is looking amazing!


Thats how I am doing them now 8), it would be more fun to have the plasma than make a CNC cutter :mrgreen:

[edit] Parts just came in for the muscle buildoff. I have some things todo today, and than school tonite. Tomorrow will be a busy day!

Ah runs aren't that bad. Just give it a week or month(depending on what type of paint) and sand it out and buff or re-shoot. Looking forward to seeing more when you have a chance!
Thanks sensor and Luke. Been wrestling with this wheel, don't look like the 178mm spokes are gonna work. I'm gonna wrestle with it for the next 2 days, than if I have to I'll order some around 170mm. Bummer, I hope I get it...

When this and the muscle bike are done, I am going to do a write up of all the things not to do in a build 8)

Thanks for the support Luke, sorry for the delay in responding.

This is version 2 of this rim, this was laced with 170mm 14 ga. spokes, the first version was 178mm spokes and they were just too long. If you try to lace a 15" auto rim and you use 3" flanges, you are going to need 170mm spokes, you might try 168mm. 178mm will work on stock hubs and flanges... there is a lesson in there for someone.

Becaue of the attempts made to lace the rim with the longer spokes, there were lots of small scratches on the paint, I felt it was best to just sand it down smooth and reprime it. I am not feeling like the weather will cooperate enough over the next month or 2 to get some above 50 degree days in, so I think I am just going to prime it and work from there. Maybe in the spring I'll revisit :)

Fully laced, I'll true it up tomorrow... than finally get some tread on this guy... I need to put the disks on tomorrow, I have 2 168mm disks I have been planning in putting on this

Thanks for watching.

Looking awesome Rich! I kind of like it in that colour, looks like an old model T wheel...
What secret idea do you have for fitting the discs to the rim? I tried to work through how to do it and decided the only way would be to weld on another flange with the mounts. Be interesting to see what you have come up with... :D

Just a by-the-way, I had to partially remove the axle out of mine to get the wheel on the tire fitting machine at the shop, not sure if you are doing it yourself or taking it to someone but probably best to leave the axle etc out until it is done. :wink:

Looking forward to more!

Thanks Lucas, you much to kind 8)

Hey Luke

For the rotors I am just looking to use either studs or spacers mounted to the flanges. I did just check now to see if this would work. It was something I had been planning but never set up all the pieces before. I just noticed that the stock 6 bolt pattern does not pass over the old hub, so I am going to have to grind them off and drill a new hole pattern further in. I am hoping to just bolt this together, welding is an option, but not the 1st one.

I have been thinking about primer for the whole bike, than some clear over it to give it a bit of protection till I get up the finances to fix all of the things I am going to find that I want to change, the list is growing!

I'll be mounting the tire myself, though the axel goes in and out pretty easy... I am hoping for an easy time of it, as a last resort, a friend owns a service station on the corner a block from my house, I am sure he would be amused by the whole project :mrgreen:

The discs for the Muscle Bike wheel I did had to have the inside bore filed out slightly to fit over the drive hub threads too, not much, about 0.5mm, also had to file little flat spots on the hub just outside the flange to allow the bolts to turn...

Thats the problem with doing these crazy builds we do, have to work it all out ourselves... :mrgreen:

Cant wait to see more!

I think this is going to get pulled apart again, not so much for the disks, I really do not see them as much a problem, but the hub is dished now to the rim, and the offset is towards what I was considering the rear (non drive side). So the non drive side is further out from the rim than the drive side. I am hoping that reversing the hub will correct this. The chain may pass the tire the way it is setup, but frankly, I would rather be sure 8) .

When I build the next version from scratch, I am going to build the axle so that it is at least 1 1/4" wider than the rim, mill the hubs so that the 6 bol bolt pattern rotors work and than I have a better jig now for making the flanges, so they will come out better.

All part of the learning process, custom takes time and money for a reason :mrgreen: Anyone can go to the nearest LBS and purchase parts off the shelf and slap them on a bike and call it a scratch built 8) ... this is the real deal baby!!! (not meant in a mean spirit, just feeling alittle cocky right now!!)

I gotta finish my coffee, I have 6" of snow to shovel at my house than my dad's.
