CL & Ebay Description Definitions

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May 12, 2009
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Hi! I am constantly amused with the descriptions of bicycles listed by sellers, specifically the terminology. I don't know if this has been done before but I thought it would fun to start a glossary of terms used with definitions. I'm sure everyone has at one time or another chuckled, if not fallen on the floor laughing, in response to descriptive words used to describe a bike for sale. Here's a couple examples - feel free to add your own.

Old - anything that is 20+ years
Vintage - anything from 20+ years and back into the 1960s
Antique - anything from the 1960s and older
(Yes, vintage and antique overlap in the 60s)
Mint - just finished putting a coat of wax on
New - just finished putting a coat of wax on over the scratches
Like New - rode it for 2 years but looks pretty good
Restoration Project - pile of rust
Ratrod - anything with no original parts

Feel free to embellish but mostly have fun!
Tailwinds said:
Is it just me or has it become fashionable to expect Ebay prices on CL???

I'm sorry, $200 and Craigslist just don't mix. $20 is more like it.

Yeah some of the people on indianapolis C-list are nuts. one guy was going to buy the Araya rims from me and tried to talk me down to $35 then complained so much about the wear marks from the brake pads rubbing them that he decided he didn't want them. I told him if you want NEW rims go pay a NEW price.

Then I looked at some of the bikes he is TRYING to sell. LOL. SOME aren't bad but others are WAY overpriced. Here's his list.... :roll: ... k=&maxAsk=
Yep, that's the problem. That is a nice long list of bikes, but the characteristic they almost all share is that they're from that undesired vintage of late 70's- early 80's when the bicycle industry turned out very unspectacular products. The reason he has those bikes is because he got them for almost nothing (and should have), put money and effort into them and expects a return. The trouble is regardless of how much $$ he sinks into them they're still almost worthless. It's a shame really.

Ok, I just went back and perused that list again, he's downright insane. $375 for an 80's Schwinn Girls Hollywood?

This is the CL ad that set me off this morning...

Ok, off my rant-box.
I'm telling you: American Pickers has filled everyone's visions with gold. Scoff if you will but that show has caused way too many sellers to set themselves up for disappointment. I don't even make offers any more. I have in the past and I get a note back that the bike already sold. Yeah right; there aren't that many fools in one city.
JLarkin said:
I'm telling you: American Pickers has filled everyone's visions with gold. Scoff if you will but that show has caused way too many sellers to set themselves up for disappointment. I don't even make offers any more. I have in the past and I get a note back that the bike already sold. Yeah right; there aren't that many fools in one city.

I actually like the show, it's cool. BUT people need to research what they have and see what others have SOLD for. I always hate getting that line "There's one just like it on C-list for $___. :x

Just because there is an idiot on C-list that has one on there for $500 doesn't mean he SOLD IT for $500, Will EVER sell it for $500, or it's WORTH $500. It simply means he is delusional and thinks he can find someone dumb enough to give him $500 :roll: .......End of rant.......I feel better :)
on cl in colorado i've noticed the following-

apparently the 'war' in 'prewar' refers to vietnam....

'all original' means only the paint and components have been changed....

'24" bmx bike' means low end mtb with missing derailleurs....

'balloon tire swinn' means dime store middleweight with a mismatched schwinn saddle....

'fixie frame'' means i pulled a rusty ten speed out of a dumpster and didn't have the sense to put it back so i'll relist it twice a week for the next 6 months....

Something fun I've noticed on ebay is people will use the term "Fixie" for coaster brake middleweights/lightweights. They say something like "Fixie style" in the description. I thought that was funny, its either fixed gear, or its not.
pickers is a great show but yet they have screwed things way up !!!! i belive we should all write 2 them and tell em 2 stop showing it when they buy bikes on the show ...cause everyone thinks they have a goldmine ...true? mike
Oh don't kid yourselves.We are the problem.

It's cool forums like rrb that drive the prices up. once peeps see theres an online demand for set items, the prices are sure to climb, and everybody wants thier piece of the pie.

ya know that rack ya just had to have for your build and probably paid too much to get it, or thse rusty bars ya thought what the heck, i'll give the crazy old goat the $5 he's askin, well that sets a presidence. next time ones for sale its compared to the previous. "this ones nicer, its gotta be worth more" and so starts the snowball effect.

electra's. (oh i hate em) somebody has obviously been surfin the web,saw there was a market for vintage styled bikes and decided to cash in.(i'm of the firm belief alot of electra research is done here on rrb) other companies follow suit and the next thing ya know, all those junk old bicycles in your city instantly turn into burried treasure with a price tag to match.

you may blame american pickers, but i rue the day electra hit the scene and exposed rat rod biking to the masses! :mrgreen:
Good ones Bendix, that last one I see all too much. Some people just don't know what they have so they list it crazy and put or best offer then come down week by week till it sells. I've been known to do this if I can't find any info on something I havn't seen before. But I always lower the price, there's one guy on indy C-list that has a bunch of nice late 70's early 80's 10 speeds that is INSANE. I mean they are nice bikes in great shape but NOBODY wants to pay $200+ for an 80's 10 speed. ... k=&maxAsk=
I've call people about "make offer" bikes and ask what they think it's worth, and so I shoot them an offer and they come back with, but I just found one selling on ebay for this much. OK thanks and good luck, You're not on ebay.
dos cruiser said:
I've call people about "make offer" bikes and ask what they think it's worth, and so I shoot them an offer and they come back with, but I just found one selling on ebay for this much. OK thanks and good luck, You're not on ebay.

make an offer bikes are the best. ya see that makes you the buyer and the seller. :)
i usually start the email/response like this.
My grandfather always told me "you can't be the buyer and the seller",
that aside, i'd like to purchase your bike for $1. when can i pick it up?

It always gets a response. (and fast) :) 9 outta 10 times its to the tune of screw you.
from there its usually an easy transition.

"well now i've broken the ice, what are you looking to get outta the bike?", "well what's it worth?"
"$1 sorry i meant $10" :)

couple back and forth emails before ya actually talk price and peeps seem a little more interested to deal.

try it, you'd be surprized
Ok ok, had this thought last night. Has Craigslist absolutely nailed the perfect photo size!?!? Just large and detailed enough to make you think you want the item, but not large or detailed enough to be able to discern that it's a piece of crap!
I drove way too many miles yesterday for a parts bike that, though the pictures looked ok, well, it looked like it spent the last two years in the river! And I even asked the guy if it had.
I really needed the bike for the hub parts, but ironically, THE WHEELS DIDN'T EVEN TURN!
I wasn't even mad, but I was so turned off that I didn't even bother to drag the thing home for the $10 he was asking after driving all that way, I just said Ffffff...forget it.
Tailwinds said:
Ok ok, had this thought last night. Has Craigslist absolutely nailed the perfect photo size!?!? Just large and detailed enough to make you think you want the item, but not large or detailed enough to be able to discern that it's a piece of crap!
I drove way too many miles yesterday for a parts bike that, though the pictures looked ok, well, it looked like it spent the last two years in the river! And I even asked the guy if it had.
I really needed the bike for the hub parts, but ironically, THE WHEELS DIDN'T EVEN TURN!
I wasn't even mad, but I was so turned off that I didn't even bother to drag the thing home for the $10 he was asking after driving all that way, I just said Ffffff...forget it.

That is why I ignore the c-list pic thing and I post with photobucket pics.

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