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Here is another tactic I have seen. Ultra mega slimey! These people should be tarred and feathered and made to ride Walmart MTBs.

An ad is posted with a phone number. The first caller makes arrangements to pick up the purchase. Meanwhile, the second caller contacts the seller and is told the item is sold. The second caller then calls back, posing as the first caller. "Oops! I am having a hard time finding your house. Where did you say you lived?" Hoping the seller is none the wiser. Then the second caller tries to beat the first caller to the seller. Obviously this can fail spectacularly, but I see it happen nonetheless.

I have been on both ends of this game. Recently while I was picking up a bike I overheard the seller getting one of these calls. The caller insisted that he was the first guy to respond. When that failed he tried to outbid me. Let's just say the was not fooled. Or particularly amused.
Never had it happen to me but I was looking at 2 Columbia's and asked if they could send me some pics :| These bikes were dirt cheap but I never got a reply :x :x :x
icyuod2 said:
i'm just saying, we're all part of the problem.
as a socitiy we really need to rework our way of thinking.

I'll agree 100% with that statement. It's tiring.

When I want to buy or sell something, I just want to buy or sell something. I don't want to play stick and giggle with a hoarde of slackjawed locals trying to pump up their ego with their amazing negotiating tactics. Haggling begins with the assumption that we are all liars and cheats. I find the entire premise offensive.

I especially find it offensive when the haggling begins on the phone without the buyer ever even seeing the item in person. To me, if you want to haggle, I had better see a handful of cash in front of my nose. People seem genuinely suprised when I state this to them after trying to haggle with me on the phone. :mrgreen: :?
Last time I posted anything on cl, I got spammed with a ton of "want to make more money?" type of spams. I even tried to word the ad that we weren't selling it to catch up on bills (even though we were!) -Adam
do you guys use kijiji? here in ontario, it seems a little more popular.
plus its nice to see an image before selecting/looking at an ad.
I hate it when the seller doesnt post a price, he says... best offer. So I make an offer and he pretty much laughs. then in the coming weeks I see he is reposting the same bike, this time with a price... which was all of $20 higher then my original offer :roll:

I could have called and pestered the guy, I really wanted the bike, but after his "attitude" I let it go.

Best offer craiglist ads.... get flagged by me!
Best American Picker quote from last night's episode when the guy says "What will ya give me for it?"

Mike Wolf says...."Don't make me sell it and buy it." :lol:
Tried to sell a jeep on cl and i got tons of spam email about why you selling it too cheap, let me send you a check for 3500 and you send me 3000 back since i was only asking 500 and so on and so on. Now lets talk about the times i got off work early or was expecting a email or call from people and they never show. Next time i am just going to park it out in the front yard with a for sale sign.
Craigslist. My biggest beef with that site is that there are still people out there who do not know how to post a freaking picture. Shoot, even crappy cell phone pic is better than nothing.

Regarding spam emails I get them everytime I post something. Generally their grammer is absolutely horrendous and they use a rediculously proper greeting like "Dear most repsectable sir", which is the first clue. Then they ask for pics (they're posted with the ad retard), then they ask my price (it's posted in the ad retard). After that I actually email them back and tell them that the price is 4-5 times what I was asking for in the ad. Of course they agree but they owe some dude some money so they'll send me a certified cashier's check. Well whoopie, if it's certified it must be legit right?
Rat Rod said:
Best American Picker quote from last night's episode when the guy says "What will ya give me for it?"

Mike Wolf says...."Don't make me sell it and buy it." :lol:

my grandfather always used to say "i can't be the buyer and the seller, but if you insist, heres a nickle." :)

puts an end to the "what will ya give me for i" conversation in a hurry. :)
I don't like it when people randomly show up at your house once they have your address or if they don't follow the scheduled time. You must always be home, right? :|
I was selling a car awhile back and returned an email to a guy. Turns out he was getting peoples email addresses and phone numbers and then posing as them and trying to scam others. I got about 5 calls from people all over the country trying to varify that I was the one trying to buy their items. Took about two months before they moved away from my name. :x
I contacted a lady about a redline bm bike. We had it set up so i could come out later in the week. She wanted $50 o.b.o. I told her id give $50 for it to hold it. She emails me back sayins someone offered $100 and can i beat that. I told her i would except she is a shady seller and i dont want nothing to do with someone like her. She emailed me back, said i could have it for $50 because the other guy backed out. I told her again i dont want nothing to do with it. You blew any deal with me with that bs . She reposted the bike and it stayed up for a few months. She finally put $25 on it and someone picked it up. Lesson is dont get greedy when you already made a deal or you could lose it all.