Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  • 1. A Missing Schwinn

    Votes: 13 7.5%
  • 2. Acetone

    Votes: 18 10.4%
  • 3. After Victory

    Votes: 17 9.8%
  • 4. Airman

    Votes: 35 20.2%
  • 5. All Downhill

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • 6. American Muscle

    Votes: 14 8.1%
  • 7. Apache Drag Bike

    Votes: 10 5.8%
  • 8. ATOMIC Strand!

    Votes: 12 6.9%
  • 9. Beer Run

    Votes: 10 5.8%
  • 10. Black Magic

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • 11. Blue Bomber CurbHopper

    Votes: 7 4.0%
  • 12. BM-Xray

    Votes: 16 9.2%
  • 13. Carcass

    Votes: 33 19.1%
  • 14. Coke krate

    Votes: 16 9.2%
  • 15. Deluxe Frankinspace

    Votes: 7 4.0%
  • 16. Dumpster Diamond

    Votes: 24 13.9%
  • 17. DURALIUS- 1936 Wards Hawthorne

    Votes: 58 33.5%
  • 18. Emsbroek & Poesse Pathracer

    Votes: 29 16.8%
  • 19. fly my zephyr

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • 20. Full Monty Rides Again

    Votes: 34 19.7%
  • 21. Grammaw Patina Bike

    Votes: 9 5.2%
  • 22. Higgy-o

    Votes: 57 32.9%
  • 23. High Plains Drifter Custom 1962 Murray Sabre Challenger

    Votes: 14 8.1%
  • 24. Huff-n-Puff

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • 25. I Can't Afford the Gas

    Votes: 17 9.8%
  • 26. ItzaRat - 1928 Schwinn Motorbike

    Votes: 35 20.2%
  • 27. Joe Exotic

    Votes: 9 5.2%
  • 28. Kamehameha

    Votes: 6 3.5%
  • 29. Mad Ratter

    Votes: 28 16.2%
  • 30. 'MeriCruiser

    Votes: 8 4.6%
  • 31. Mudd (my name is)

    Votes: 16 9.2%
  • 32. No Gas Money! (Who needs gas $$$ anyway)

    Votes: 11 6.4%
  • 33. No Mask Needed

    Votes: 7 4.0%
  • 34. Nouveau Style

    Votes: 12 6.9%
  • 35. Odyssey of Flight

    Votes: 22 12.7%
  • 36. Once again

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • 37. Pandemic Road Missile

    Votes: 11 6.4%
  • 38. Poor manís Racycle

    Votes: 15 8.7%
  • 39. PunkYard Dog. If TankGirl had a boys bike

    Votes: 8 4.6%
  • 40. Ratcumbent

    Votes: 15 8.7%
  • 41. RatFink Supreme

    Votes: 26 15.0%

    Votes: 15 8.7%
  • 43. RaTs GaSs

    Votes: 57 32.9%
  • 44. Retro Ratpacker

    Votes: 7 4.0%
  • 45. Duplicate Entry - Please Ignore

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • 46. Rusty & Krusty

    Votes: 18 10.4%
  • 47. Simple Green

    Votes: 14 8.1%
  • 48. Skidwell GTS

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • 49. Speedster 26" BMX Cruiser

    Votes: 6 3.5%

    Votes: 21 12.1%
  • 51. SteamRoller - Elgin Twin Bar Churnin Urn of Burnin Funk

    Votes: 86 49.7%

    Votes: 15 8.7%
  • 53. Stoked!!!

    Votes: 29 16.8%
  • 54. Teddy Ballgame

    Votes: 15 8.7%
  • 55. The American Gentleman

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • 56. The Bluebird of Happiness

    Votes: 27 15.6%
  • 57. The Honey Rolla

    Votes: 6 3.5%
  • 58. The Lay-off Special

    Votes: 29 16.8%
  • 59. The Lean Mean Green Machine

    Votes: 33 19.1%
  • 60. The Silver Maggot reborn

    Votes: 5 2.9%
  • 61. The StRATo Flyer

    Votes: 22 12.7%
  • 62. Tierra Cruisera- a made over Jamis Earth Cruiser

    Votes: 12 6.9%
  • 63. Top CatAstrophe

    Votes: 6 3.5%
  • 64. Tornadic Activity

    Votes: 12 6.9%
  • 65. (Trike-Tor)...WAHA-SEDB-3

    Votes: 72 41.6%
  • 66. UK Triumph Rat renamed 'Triumph Blue Witch'

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • 67. Ultra Blue

    Votes: 13 7.5%
  • 68. ZEN

    Votes: 23 13.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I for one, applaud the largest field of first time builders I've ever seen in my 6 years here on RRB. I remember how welcomed I felt when I jumped in with my first ever rat rod bike build here on the forum. The veterans on this forum consistently gave me inspiration, motivation, and even re-direction on my Beer Boy Delivery build.

The community here is very supportive and encouraging, as well as offering friendly critique, without being overly abrassive and offending.

Don't let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch, baby.
I personally don't care about your "opinion". But I will give you this man, atleast you had the fortitude to post it publicly.
To many d-bags like you talking smack in private across social media is why I don't document anymore.

Aside from that, there were a lot of great ideas and creative flare in both classes this year. And I agree with @OddJob it's nice to see so many new builders, I still enjoy building bikes and am glad to see it's not dying.
Won’t let it die!!!
I had a guy come into my garage to buy a frame and tell me that one of my bikes isn't really a Rat Rod because, blah blah blah. I was like: This is my garage and a Rat is whatever I say it is in here, you can leave now. Whatever you call it, Rad Rod, Resto-Mod, NeoRetroVelo. It is people taking unwanted or unrideable or overlooked bikes and recreating them for a new audience and generation. I love it. I dream about the bike while I'm working on it. Each build pushed me and makes me learn new things. Joining this community is an education of it's own. Thank you everyone who created a build journal. I was inspired and learned things from all of you!
Before I say this, remember this country is founded on free speech. One bike got my vote...just one and it has three wheels. 1st impression is the most important factor for me and I flew through the final pics, stopping at just a few of them. Honestly, there seems to be a lot of praise for average bikes this year and I get that as it's great to see a big turnout and participation by many. But for me the creativity and new ideas were a bit thin. A few though looked well thought out and rideable, but the big guns were missing this time to step it up to a higher level. Too many ape hangers and accessories and bolt on parts imo. The past years' comps with far less participation seemed to have more variety of builds. Chin up though and keep building and riding ratters! Winter is fast approaching and another BO is coming up quickly!
And where was your build? Those who can do. Those who can’t, criticize! You could have been a little more creative with your words, since you didn’t come up with a bike build. But I figure a bike build from you would be as wack as your criticism here.
I had a guy come into my garage to buy a frame and tell me that one of my bikes isn't really a Rat Rod because, blah blah blah. I was like: This is my garage and a Rat is whatever I say it is in here, you can leave now. Whatever you call it, Rad Rod, Resto-Mod, NeoRetroVelo. It is people taking unwanted or unrideable or overlooked bikes and recreating them for a new audience and generation. I love it. I dream about the bike while I'm working on it. Each build pushed me and makes me learn new things. Joining this community is an education of it's own. Thank you everyone who created a build journal. I was inspired and learned things from all of you!
Well..... Let’s get back at it!!!! Do what we DO WHEN AND HOW WE WANT!!!
I had a guy come into my garage to buy a frame and tell me that one of my bikes isn't really a Rat Rod because, blah blah blah. I was like: This is my garage and a Rat is whatever I say it is in here, you can leave now. Whatever you call it, Rad Rod, Resto-Mod, NeoRetroVelo. It is people taking unwanted or unrideable or overlooked bikes and recreating them for a new audience and generation. I love it. I dream about the bike while I'm working on it. Each build pushed me and makes me learn new things. Joining this community is an education of it's own. Thank you everyone who created a build journal. I was inspired and learned things from all of you!
I think you nailed it there . Selfish as it sounds , I build stuff primarily for me . If others dig it, that's great . If not, that's cool also, vive la difference. Labels are for Jam Jars . I don't mind what you call my bikes , I don't even know what they are .
As for things being formulaic . I genuinely don't think so . Did the Stones create Rock n Roll , did Elvis create the Blues . Not really, but they added to what went before them .
I'm new here, but I've been fiddling about with bikes before there was internet , I'm certainly not the first to fiddle about with bikes though . It's all good here and I think it's the mix that does it . The oldies show what they know, and the younguns that don't know the rules are free to take it somewhere different . Take what you want from it , build what you want , it's all good .
My first custom was a Raliegh Chopper brush painted black with the mudguards removed and Knobbly tyres . Choppers were throwaway bikes back then . It was nothing crazy but it lit the fuse . I see other fuses being lit here , that needs to be nurtured . They are the future :)
Sensitive bunch here...more hate than brains but that's ok, seems to be the norm these all have an opinion but I don't call you dirt-bags for mentioning it. People state their opinions all the time here and don't get hate responses like the one I got...whatever man. For those sensitive folk, go back and read what I wrote. I criticized no one. I stated my opinion. I have been building bikes and ratting them for over 40 years, longer than most of you have been alive. I have entered a BO here in the past and did quite well in spite of the the social media voting tendency and have posted many builds not in the formal bo's simply because I care not to but still want to share.....
I don't need nor wait for your approval nor your blown-out comments like "arrogant" and/or "dirt bag" and more that are completely unacceptable and juvenile at best. K-fish, perhaps mentioning my vote was a bit over the top, agreed, but the hate and garbage comments it generated foments only more hate. You all mis-read my comments. Just sayin. Calm down man.....
Ummmmm.... I don’t think to many people really cared about you mentioning your pick as much as the fact that you Bashed! Every build in here but 1, I don’t think any of us needed to or even entered this contest to be told our builds were crap, this is supposed to be for fun, and friendly competition. Some of us (me) are just learning and for a first timer here your comments are harsh and in no way helpful. In fact I now question posting anymore of my builds here! I don’t need to be told my stuff is garbage Or that I didn’t try. You would think that after your 40yrs of building you would have the the knowledge to teach some of us our mistakes, instead you have taught yourself to talk down and disrespect your competition and peers, even in a friendly competition.
Ummmmm.... I don’t think to many people really cared about you mentioning your pick as much as the fact that you Bashed! Every build in here but 1, I don’t think any of us needed to or even entered this contest to be told our builds were crap, this is supposed to be for fun, and friendly competition. Some of us (me) are just learning and for a first timer here your comments are harsh and in no way helpful. In fact I now question posting anymore of my builds here! I don’t need to be told my stuff is garbage Or that I didn’t try. You would think that after your 40yrs of building you would have the the knowledge to teach some of us our mistakes, instead you have taught yourself to talk down and disrespect your competition and peers, even in a friendly competition.
I've been here a few years, and people tell me my builds are garbage. They just don't do it in public, where everyone can see it.
Before I say this, remember this country is founded on free speech. One bike got my vote...just one and it has three wheels. 1st impression is the most important factor for me and I flew through the final pics, stopping at just a few of them. Honestly, there seems to be a lot of praise for average bikes this year and I get that as it's great to see a big turnout and participation by many. But for me the creativity and new ideas were a bit thin. A few though looked well thought out and rideable, but the big guns were missing this time to step it up to a higher level. Too many ape hangers and accessories and bolt on parts imo. The past years' comps with far less participation seemed to have more variety of builds. Chin up though and keep building and riding ratters! Winter is fast approaching and another BO is coming up quickly!
You’re what we on the coast like to call a “kook”
Okay everybody...let's let this discussion die and get back to focusing on bikes.

Would prefer to not have to delete a bunch of bickering if possible.

I say go ahead and remove them, starting with the one that set this whole thing off. It was completely contrary to what the spirit of this Forum is all about, in my estimation, according to the guidelines and underlying 'moral code' that is prevalent herein.
great build-off. i greatly enjoyed it as always. i have found that creating the build thread, documenting ideas and progress, and feedback/ideas/parts from fellow members helps me a lot. the finished project benefits. thank you all again. now the hard part - i only get to choose 5 out of the lot!
Well I think that, although its not to many peoples taste, my entry this year was definitely a creative new idea. Go find another one! Lol
But I'm not offended by one persons opinion. It certainly doesn't put me off entering again. Although next year I won't be doing a class 1 build again. My time is short this year having just started my own business. I mistakenly thought a class 1 build would be quick! Ha ha big joke!
I do have a rather radical idea bubbling away at the back of my mind for next years class 2 build....
Well I think that, although its not to many peoples taste, my entry this year was definitely a creative new idea. Go find another one! Lol
But I'm not offended by one persons opinion. It certainly doesn't put me off entering again. Although next year I won't be doing a class 1 build again. My time is short this year having just started my own business. I mistakenly thought a class 1 build would be quick! Ha ha big joke!
I do have a rather radical idea bubbling away at the back of my mind for next years class 2 build....
I thought some of the class 1 stuff shook it up a bit too .
Yours , the Coke bike amongst others , by no means traditional Rat rod bases grabbed my attention with different thinking.
Sensitive bunch here...more hate than brains but that's ok, seems to be the norm these days....
Actually, I think what's more common is people who think that because God blessed them with having an opinion they're granted a special freedom from the natural consequences of taking it out it in public.

go back and read what I wrote. I criticized no one. I stated my opinion.
I went back and read what you wrote.

Honestly, there seems to be a lot of praise for average bikes

the creativity and new ideas were a bit thin.

big guns were missing this time to step it up to a higher level. Too many ape hangers and accessories and bolt on parts imo. The past years' comps with far less participation seemed to have more variety of builds.
You imply that none of the bikes except one are worthy of any praise, there wasn't much creativity, and older build offs were better than this one. That's criticism.

You basically did the internet version of walking into a room where everyone is patting each other on the back for a job well done and said "it's not that great, I've seen better".
And you did it of full knowledge of what people's reaction to that kind of behavior would be, because you prefaced it with a bit of baloney about free speech. You knew what would happen and you did it anyway.
That's what the d-move was. Not that you have an "opinion".
If it was really about just wanting to discuss your thoughts you would have got together with just your other crabby mates and talked about how the bikes were better back in your day.

But for you, it's not about that, you had make sure everyone knew that you didn't think the build off was that great, so you went and found the least appropriate place to say it that would get the biggest reaction.

That's the special kind of arrogance that KF mentioned.

When the most mild mannered guy on RRB calls you out, that should give you pause for self reflection.

Chin up though
Gee, thanks, pa

Rat Rod, I'm sorry I know you said to let the discussion die out, but it only takes one spoonful of turd to ruin the whole bowl of ice cream. I agree with OJ, delete all the comments. Including this one.

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