Clean House Yard Sale Schwinn

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Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
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Who wants a clean house? Anyone watch the show? We do, and we heard about a yard sale they were having about 70 miles south of us,so we loaded up 4 of the 5 kids, picked up Mom, and made a day of it. Got there right before it started, must have been at least 200 others waiting to get in. Got in there and picked this up for $20. It's a middleweight, all OG except for maybe the handlebars and the foam grips. OG rotted Schwinn Tractor tires, Bendix rear hub. Can anyone tell the model by the chainguard? Glad my uncle and aunt went too, cuz I was able to have them bring it home in the back of their truck. The one that got away though, is the chrome 24" GT BMX that someone got to before me. It was complete, and sold for $14. That would have been a keeper, cuz I really want a 24" BMX. It looks to be the same as the one Rat Rod picked up recently.
Well. yes and no. The bike may make the show from before the yard sale, but my transaction wasn't filmed. They did film my uncle though, he bought a posi rear end from a chevelle. They also taped my mom and one of my boys buying some things. I think they didn't film me because I have a face for radio! 8)