Coasters At Tulip Time

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Pray that the chance of rain and storms that day goes away!!!
I will be there with some bikes to show and will probably ride the Captian America Razor Bike in the parade.
As far as the weather....what I see in the weather report is a 20% change of rain from 7am until 2pm. Thats not bad odds for me, I will be there....see yea there.

My bad luck was canceled out by good luck which then got canceled out by more bad luck, Geez. The miracle happened. Yesterday our OK trip was postponed. I didn't have any bikes ready to take to tulip time so I thought I might just throw something from the garage in and go. This morning Nova and I both wake up sick :x Something the Grandson's had earlier in the week I guess.
Hope all is going well there.
We didn't have the turnout I had hoped for, but the Coasters made our presence known. Dangsratdan, Mazdaflyer, Iron Horse and his crew, and me and Hannah were there most of the day. Garagegoon was there for a while but had to take off before the parade. The rain held off, but the wind had us picking up bikes all day. We suffered a few scratches and scrapes and the glass in the two Coasters signs shatteres (sorry, Randy. I will get it replaced).

All told we had 17 bikes and 9 riders in the parade. Lots of people stopped by to talk about the bikes and most were amazed by the tall bike.

The bartender from the bar on the block where we were set up asked me to ride the tall bike in her bar so she could take some pics for her Wall of Fame/Wall of Shame and I was happy to oblige. After doing a few figure 8s around the pool tables and posing by the bar I headed back to the street. She is going to send me the pics and I will share them when I get them.

Here are the pics I snapped today.

Dan had a group of boys asking all kinds of bike questions


Here are three of the bikes I brought

Iron Horse and his dad(?) and some of his bikes

MazdaFlyer, dangsratdan, and Iron Horse's Dad riding in the parade.

Iron Horse on the left, MazdaFlyer (leading), dangsratdan, and I.H. Dad

Iron Horse's bikes

Mazda Flyer's Western Flyer

My rides
My 47 Western Flyer suffered a blown rear tube on the way back from the parade. Sounded like a gun shot, very loud pop. Neat environment at Belle Plaine Tulip Time. Reminded me of the early days of the Wichita River Festival before it got so organized and commercial
Had a good time hangin' out with the Coasters BC crew, and I think the people at the festival enjoyed use being there, we even had the mayor stop by and say hi..
The kids really enjoyed the bikes, and oh TootallUdall...custombikes was a the hit of the show. When him or his daughter were riding the tall bike, which was most of the time, the jaws were dropping and the cameras were taken pics, the question of the day was "how does he get on and off that bike?"
The weather did cause havioc, the wind was blowing strong all day, with our bikes falling regularly, most of mine all have new dents and scratches, oh well its a bicycle. Many of the art and craft show vendors had stuff blowing over, even destroying some of there canopys and displays. But even with that everyone I seen had a smile on there face.
Interesting observtion: The Coasters BC club people who made up this bike show are all RatRod Bike members. hmmm.
The Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce sent me some of the pics of the bikes they had taken and a note of thanks.

Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce said:
Thank you for coming down. We really appreciate your participation and hope you can make it next year. I know everyone enjoyed seeing your bicycles. We loved having you!

Dangsratdan and garagegoon on the far left


Dangsratdan's bikes

This trike belongs to Belle Plaine resident Rick. It won the People's Choice at the Bike Fest in '09 or '10

Me on the Tall Bike with Hannah shadowing me (in case I fall?)



MazdaFlyer and Iron Horse riding in the parade

Iron Horse's dad and niece in the parade, dangsratdan on the far left

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