Cobrafreak's board track racer project, has ended

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Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

stocksucks said:
harry76 said:
Does the engine still run at an alright temperature now the fins are gone?
The fan case was allready gone, so the fins were just dead weight..

No thats not right Stocksucks, Cobrafreak commented earlier how those fins, even without the shroud, directed air over the engine. I think he said he could put his hand on the other side and feel the air being blown across it.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Ah.. sorry, I did'nt read that part. But still I guess that while on the road the air won't go through the fins..
It's pretty cool now.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

harry76 said:
That looks way better Cobrafreak, i was never a fan of the fins visually or safety wise. I think it looks a lot better and more vintage. Nice job.... you used your lathe?

Does the engine still run at an alright temperature now the fins are gone?

I wanted to, but the diameter of the flywheel was too big for my little lathe. What I did was I ground down the fins while the engine was running with my hand held grinding wheel. I had my friend hold onto the bike to stabilize the bike while it was running. Basically it was turned like it was on a lathe. I took it for a spin. It seems like it runs a little smoother and revs a little quicker. I also took the starter pulley down considerably after I took the photo. It really looks slender now. The temp will be fine. No different than an air cooled motorcycle.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Oh man I did something really frakin stupid! I took the bike by truck to Redwood City like I did a few weeks ago and went to Alices, and went farther down to the Pacific Ocean. Then My front tire went flat when I was going around 40mph. I coasted to a stop at the side of the road and proceeded to repair the tire. Do you know why my tire went flat? I forgot to put rim tape on the front tire! I put it on the rear wheel but not the front. I cant for the life of me understand how I missed that detail. I must have been distracted or something. Bottom line, Double check you work people. Another thing, my steel Worksman rim had sharp edges along the welded seam. It was on the inside of the rim. It wasn't finished very well. I took a dremel bit to it and smoothed it down. When you get a new rim run your fingers along the insides to see if there is anything protruding or sharp. This probably caused my flat.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

lol. FAIL.

Just kidding. That's all it takes though.. Forgetting one simple thing.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

AKB said:
lol. FAIL.

Just kidding. That's all it takes though.. Forgetting one simple thing.

I don't admitting to my mistakes. I did want to bring this out to show that everyone needs to double check their work. If it saves someone from grief on the side of the road in the middle of know where then it is worth the humiliation :) The scary thing is I am a stickler for details.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Motorized bikes have to deal with something that bicycles don't really need to worry about, tire balance. Our wheels spin faster than a bicycles and therefore we need balanced wheels like an automobile or motorcycle. I discovered Dynabeads on the web and it is a way for us to dynamically balance our wheels without ugly weights or special equipment. it's really a cool system. They are ceramic granular balls small enough to go down the valve stem of your bicycle tube and they instantly balance your tire when you hit about 10 mph. And it is a perfect balance. No kidding, I put one ounce in each of my tubes and rode down my street to my Parents house about a quarter of a mile away and right away noticed a HUGE difference! It is amazing how smooth and stable it makes your bike. I have this link for how it works. You need to see this video! You cannot use this product in conjunction with slime as it will prevent the beads from getting to where they need to move freely to.

DynaBeads demo video - YouTube

It's not a gimmick as it really works and will make your bike feel like you are rolling on glass! It is not expensive at all. I bought enough to do five tubes for about $20 online and you can cut the tube open if you need to replace the tube and reuse the beads for another tube, so it will last a long time. Trust me when I say this is the biggest gain in ride quality for the least amount of money you will spend. Simply awsome!
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

I took the Indian to the Sacramento Euro Sunday which is a big European Sports car show and shine. Lots of exotic makes of cars and motorcycles. I had a good time showing the bike and explaining about motorbikes in general.

Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

lol. Nice. Love the Delorean. I work right near the place that restores/fixes them here in Illinois. Last time I went in there they were working on 10 or more 8)
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Deloreans are a handsome car. I rode in one when I was in High School. It was far ahead of it's time. Sure it had it's problems but being cool was not one of them.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Hey Cobrafreak, congratulations on temporarily finishing your build :p its truly incredible :D as a 14 year old bike builder your the sorta guys i look up to :D I just read through your build but didnt see anything about whether or not you would have troubles with the oil splasher doing its job with the motor at that angle... I assume it worked without any mods? :)
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Right. The ARC racing connecting rod has not a splasher but a scooper that is wider and force feeds the big end bearing. I have close to 1800 miles on it and it is all fine. If it had oiling issues it would have had a failure of some sort long ago. I just use high quality synthetic oil . it takes 3/4 of a quart at this angle and I change it often.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

Sweet as, thanks for that :)
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

I had a thought today about my Comet series 30 Torque Verter Transmission. To date I have roughly 1800 miles on it and it works fine, but I have been through 3 belts with the 4th one on the unit now. The belts don't really wear out, they just stretch until they flop around and don't work well anymore. Then I put a new belt on and I'm back in business. I have held onto all my used belts and they are all in great shape except the stretch. And it's only about an inch. I was doing some research today and found the specs for the Comet Series 30. It says the distance between the center of the drive (front) pulley and the driven (rear) pulley is supposed to be between 6" 15/16ths and 7" in length. I measured mine and came up with 6.5" . It hit me, "No frakin wonder my belts are sloppy when broken in, the pulleys are too close together!" So I wake up at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday and in my robe and slippers (when I get an idea I have to utilize it NOW), I take the Comet off and re-do the holes that mount it to the engine case so I now have 7 1/8" from pulley to pulley. All my old belts work great. I put a brand new belt on and it works great. I think I will get full life of my belts now. The shifting is even smoother now too as a bonus. I don't know why I had lost a whole half an inch but it makes a world of difference. So bottom line, if you use the Comet make sure you have 7" inches center to center or it won't work the way it should.
Re: Cobrafreak's board track racer project, never ends!

This is an old hot rod trick. They used lead shot or small ball bearings. It really does work!

cobrafreak said:
Motorized bikes have to deal with something that bicycles don't really need to worry about, tire balance. Our wheels spin faster than a bicycles and therefore we need balanced wheels like an automobile or motorcycle. I discovered Dynabeads on the web and it is a way for us to dynamically balance our wheels without ugly weights or special equipment. it's really a cool system. They are ceramic granular balls small enough to go down the valve stem of your bicycle tube and they instantly balance your tire when you hit about 10 mph. And it is a perfect balance. No kidding, I put one ounce in each of my tubes and rode down my street to my Parents house about a quarter of a mile away and right away noticed a HUGE difference! It is amazing how smooth and stable it makes your bike. I have this link for how it works. You need to see this video! You cannot use this product in conjunction with slime as it will prevent the beads from getting to where they need to move freely to.

DynaBeads demo video - YouTube

It's not a gimmick as it really works and will make your bike feel like you are rolling on glass! It is not expensive at all. I bought enough to do five tubes for about $20 online and you can cut the tube open if you need to replace the tube and reuse the beads for another tube, so it will last a long time. Trust me when I say this is the biggest gain in ride quality for the least amount of money you will spend. Simply awsome!